English cucumbers suspected of being involved in a Salmonella outbreak sent 10 people to the hospital


It is suspected that English cucumbers are badociated with an outbreak of salmonella infections in British Columbia. and other provinces that sent at least 10 people to the hospital.

The Public Health Agency of Canada is examining the epidemic, which has affected people in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec.

The illness reported in Quebec was related to the trip to British Columbia.

Based on the results of the survey to date, the agency has stated that exposure to long English cucumbers was probably the source of the outbreak, with many sick patients having reported having eaten English cucumbers before their disease.

"However, more information is needed to determine the possible causes of contamination," said the agency in a statement. "The epidemic seems to continue as diseases continue to be reported."

As of Friday, November 2, 50 cases of laboratory-confirmed infant salmonellosis have been studied in the following provinces: BC (42), Alberta (5), Saskatchewan (1), Manitoba (1) and Quebec (1). Those aged one to 92 became ill between mid-June and early October, and 10 of those reached were hospitalized. The majority of cases (58%) involve women. No deaths have been reported.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is participating in the investigation, which has yet resulted in any warning regarding a food recall.


The symptoms of a salmonella infection, called salmonellosis, usually appear between six and 72 hours after exposure to Salmonella bacteria from an infected animal or from a contaminated product.

Symptoms include fever, chills, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, headache, nausea, and vomiting.

Symptoms usually last four to seven days. In healthy people, salmonellosis often goes away without treatment. In some cases, serious illness and hospitalization may occur. In some cases, antibiotics may be needed.

People infected with salmonella bacteria can be infectious for days to weeks. Salmonella infection.

Who is most at risk

Anyone can develop a salmonella infection, but infants, children, the elderly, and people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk for serious illness because of the fragility of their immune system.

Most people who develop a salmonella infection will recover completely after a few days. Some people may be infected with the bacteria and may not become ill or have any symptoms, but may transmit the infection to others.

What you need to do to protect your health

It is difficult to know if a product is contaminated with salmonella because you can not see, smell or taste it. To help prevent salmonella infections, the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends monitoring the outbreak investigation by seeking regular updates and following safe food handling tips. The following tips for preparing fresh fruits and vegetables, including long English cucumbers, can help you reduce your risk of getting sick, but they may not completely eliminate the risk of disease:

• wash your hands with soap and warm water for at least 20 seconds before and after handling fresh produce;

• Eliminate any bruised or damaged area on fresh produce as harmful bacteria can develop. Be sure to clean your knife with hot water and soap before reuse.

• Wash fresh produce thoroughly under cool, fresh running water, even if you plan to peel it. This helps prevent the spread of any bacteria that may be present.

• Do not soak fresh produce in a sink filled with water. It can be contaminated by bacteria in the sink;

• Use a clean fruit and vegetable brush to scrub items with firm surfaces, such as cucumbers, oranges, melons, potatoes and carrots. There is no need to use cleaners to wash fresh fruits and vegetables;

• Use a cutting board for the products and another for raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood;

• Place peeled or cut fruits and vegetables on a clean, separate plate or container to avoid cross-contamination.

• Use paper towels to wipe kitchen surfaces or change dish towels daily to avoid the risk of cross-contamination and spread of bacteria. Avoid using sponges as it is harder to keep them free of bacteria.

• Disinfect countertops, cutting boards and utensils before and after food preparation. Use a kitchen disinfectant (following the directions on the container) or a solution of bleach (five milliliters of household bleach for 750 milliliters of water) and rinse at the same time. ;water.

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