FDA says Honey Smacks cereals are linked to Salmonella outbreaks in shelves


In June, Kellogg itself issued a booster for its Honey Smacks cereal after being linked to a salmonella outbreak across the country. The agency says now, however, some retailers still sell them. (19459013) Pixabay )

The US Food and Drug Administration claims that some grocery stores are still selling "Honey Smacks" despite the cereal recall last month after being linked to an outbreak of salmonellosis through the country

. In June, about 1.3 million cases of Honey Smacks were removed from the shelves as part of a mbadive voluntary booster issued by the Kellogg Company itself to stop the spread of salmonella.

The FDA announced that it would follow up with retailers. the product is removed from the stores because the sale is now illegal. The agency also advised consumers not to buy Honey Smacks.

Honey Smacks Salmonella Outbreak

The links between cereals and salmonella appeared last May, when the FDA announced it had discovered a number of sudden diseases related to salmonella. various states. After investigating the situation, the FDA concluded that the outbreak was related to Honey Smacks, one of Kellogg's grain products. On June 14, Kellogg confirmed that he was going to recall the product from the shelves not only in the United States, but also in international markets.

There were 100 cases of people falling ill because of salmonella, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, with 33 states in total affected. Thirty people were hospitalized because of the outbreak. Despite these alarming numbers, the FDA has revealed that some retailers are still selling grain.

"Retailers can not legally offer grain for sale and consumers should not buy Kellogg Mellons. For people who see Honey Smacks on the shelves of their local retailer, make sure that it is not the lot that could be contaminated with salmonella. The recalled product is available in two variants: 15.3 ounces and 23 ounces. Both have a "best if used" date from June 14, 2018 to June 14, 2019.

How to determine if you have salmonella

Also keep an eye on the symptoms of Salmonella, especially for those who are still eating cereals and are not aware of the outbreak. The FDA says that infected people often develop diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever. It usually lasts up to seven days, and most people recover without treatment. However, some cases of diarrhea become so severe that they require to be hospitalized.

According to the CDC, salmonella causes 1.2 million illnesses, 23 hospitalizations and 450 deaths in the United States each year.

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