If people fail to adapt, the worst case scenario is a peak of 471 percent of deaths caused by heat waves – the equivalent of 52,000 deaths from heatwave.
The tropical and subtropical regions will be the most affected, followed closely by Europe, Australia and the United States, researchers warned.
The study reveals that many countries have been hit by strong heat waves. and tens of thousands of others suffer from heat stroke related diseases.
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Deaths due to Heat waves will "dramatically increase" in 60 years to prevent. If people fail to adapt, the worst case scenario is a peak of 471 percent of deaths caused by heatwave – the equivalent of 52,000 people (stock image)
The report, published in the journal PLOS Medicine, is the first global study to predict future deaths related to heat waves.
"In an extreme climate change scenario and a high population variation scenario, the expected total annual death count is 51,795," Co-author of Associate Professor Yuming Guo told MailOnline. Monash University in Australia. projected "excess mortality" compared to heat waves in the future according to different scenarios, determined by the levels of greenhouse gas emissions.
Other factors were also taken into account, including preparation, coping strategies and population density. developed a model to estimate the number of heat-wave related deaths in 412 communities in 20 countries between 2031 and 2080.
"We collected baseline time series data from 412 communities in 20 countries in 1984 and 2015 from heat waves and mortality in these communities, "said Professor Guo.
"Next, we combined the estimated badociation with the projected future heatwav data from different climate change scenarios and demographic change scenarios, to project future numbers of heat-related deaths.
Professor Guo said that recent media reports detailing the deadly heatwaves in the world underscore the importance of study.
"Future heat waves in particular will be more frequent, more intense and will last much longer," he said.
"If we can not mitigate climate change, let's reduce heatwaves and help people adapt to heatwaves For heatwaves, there will be a sharp increase in heat-related deaths , especially in poor countries located around the equator. "

In the photo is a British field during the heat wave of summer 201 8. The study is taking place in many countries The world has been hit by strong heat waves, leaving thousands of dead and tens of thousands of people suffering from heat-related illnesses
A conclusion Key to the study shows that in the extreme scenario, there will be a 471% increase in heat waves in three Australian cities – Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne – compared to the period 1971-2010.
If the Australian government can not reduce the impacts of heat waves, more people will die because of heat waves in the future. warned.
"Many people think that the heat wave causes only deaths or cases due to the clbadic heat illness (hemi-gravity, heat stroke, heat cramp, and heat syncope)," said Professor Guo
. other diseases, for example cardiovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and diabetes.
"The heat wave only induces the onset of disease symptoms, but it is also related to death if people are vulnerable and do not tolerate extreme heat. 19659002] Study Reveals That Many Countries Are Affected by Severe Heat Reactions
Collective Deaths in India, Greece, Japan, and Canada Continue to Increase as Regions Record record temperatures, humidity and forest fires. Professor Antonio Gasparrini, badociate professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said that since the beginning of the century, heat waves have caused tens of thousands of deaths, including in regions of Europe and Europe. Dr. Gasparrini said: "It is worrisome to note that research shows that it is highly likely that their frequency and severity will increase with climate change, but the evidence on the impacts on mortality at the time of climate change is increasing. global scale are limited. This study, the largest epidemiological study on the projected impacts of heat waves under global warming, suggests that it could significantly increase heat-related mortality, particularly in tropical and subtropical countries with high population densities.
. The news is that if we mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in scenarios consistent with the Paris Agreement, the expected impact will be significantly reduced. "
million. Gasparrini hopes that the study projections will help policymakers to plan adaptation and mitigation strategies for climate change.
In 2013, the Scientific Advisory Board of the European Academies (EASAC) published a report on the frequency of extreme weather events.
Since then, there has been a steady increase in the frequency of these events.
To deal with such adverse weather conditions, they formulated recommendations on how the EU can better protect its citizens from climate change.
1. Information
According to the report, to better deal with problems, one must first understand them.
To understand how global warming will affect extreme weather conditions, it is necessary to study and model them.
2. Heatwaves
Across the entire European continent, heat waves can vary mbadively and have very different impacts.
Understanding the nuances of these phenomena is the key to getting through the storm.
3. Flood defense and early warning
Flood preparedness and flood protection best practices in Europe should be shared, including information on the different responses to flood preparedness and flood warnings. flood
. Agriculture
The report indicated that the agriculture sector as a whole needed to improve.
Vulnerability to extreme weather conditions and possible measures to increase resilience should be produced.
Enhancing Knowledge of Climate Change
The research concluded that it was crucial that we consider adaptation to climate change as an ongoing process.
To do this, sustained observations, badyzes and climate models on the Earth are integral to a robust and flexible climate change adaptation strategy.
She claims the dissemination of knowledge, innovation and the establishment of international relations. ] 6. Changes in Policy
Before adaptation can be achieved, there are several barriers that include physical, technical, psychological, financial, institutional and knowledge-based barriers.
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