First Nations enrich through oil, mines and forests


"First Nations are far from unanimously opposed to development, things have changed a lot in the last 25 years," he says. Germain Belzile, Senior Research Associate at the MEI and author of the publication. He cites in particular the examples of the Crees of the North Quebec, active in the mining sector, Lax Kw's alaams and Kitselas de British Columbiain the forestry and natural gas sectors, and the Fort McKay Nation, which is Alberta oil.

This last case reveals the change of mentality. In the early 1960s, opposition to oil sands development projects was almost unanimous at Fort McKay. Today, the country is heavily involved in oil development and no longer depends on the federal government. In recent years, only 5% of Fort McKay's revenues came from federal transfers.

"The average after-tax income of Fort McKay residents is even higher than that of other Albertans, which speaks volumes!" Belzile adds. In addition, the community recently acquired, jointly with another country, a controlling interest in the oil infrastructure of its territory, valued at half a billion dollars.

"We need to stop thinking that first nations are an extension of environmental groups, there are many communities, and the people in them do not think the same way, like all Canadians they want to improve their standard of living and to ensure a better future for their children, and they achieve this by reconciling economic development, respect for the land and the environment ", explains Germain Belzile.

Reconciliation between First Nations and the rest of the Canada, which has been on the agenda since 2008, obviously implies greater recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples, but it must also be economic. "Whole communities have been transformed by the development of resources, let us not forget that the First Nations were the" first entrepreneurs "of this country, as one of their representatives said," note Alexandre Moreau, Public Policy Analyst and contributor to the publication.

Unfortunately, many obstacles remain despite the wishes of the parties involved. Last year, the federal government ended the Northern Gateway project, even though 31 Métis and First Nations communities had negotiated jobs and contracts and obtained shares in the company. And this year, the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project is in trouble despite the fact that 43 countries have signed agreements with Kinder Morgan.

"Many First Nations have chosen the path of development and prosperity, and if we want to help them get out of the vicious circle of government dependence, we need to encourage them in this choice instead of hurting them", concludes Mr. Belzile. .

The research paper entitled Early Entrepreneurs – Natural Resources Development and First Nations was prepared by Germain Belzile, Senior Research Associate at the MEI, with the collaboration of Alexandre Moreau, Public Policy Analyst at the MEI. This publication is available on our website.

The MEI is an independent think tank on public policy. Through its publications and appearances in the media, the MEI stimulates the debate on public policies Quebec and through Canada proposing reforms based on market principles and the spirit of enterprise.

SOURCE Montreal Economic Institute

For more information: Interview requests: Pascale Déry, Vice President, Communications and Development, MEI. Phone: 514-273-0969 ext. 2233 / Cell: 514-502-6757 / Email:

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