In a study published this week in the journal Small researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) successfully remodeled E. coli bacteria to supply solar cells. The result saw cells that generated a stronger current compared to similar biogenic attempts in the past that were able to function even in low light
Impressive current density
Researchers reported a density Impressive current of 0.686 milliamps per sq cm, significantly higher than the 0.362 achieved by others in the field. These improved cells are also ideal in conditions such as the overcast often found in British Columbia (BC).
"Our solution to a single BC The problem is an important step towards a solar energy economy," said Vikramaditya Yadav, professor in the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering of the University of Colombia -British, at the head of the project
. to convert light into electric current. However, most attempts to produce biogenic solar cells have focused on extracting the natural dye used by bacteria for photosynthesis, a costly process that involves the dangerous use of toxic components.

UBC researchers took a different approach to dye in bacteria and, instead, genetically manipulated E. coli to produce unusually large amounts of lycopene, the photoactive potency of the bacterium. They then coated the new bacteria with a mineral composed of TiO2 nanoparticles that acted as semiconductors and then applied the resulting mixture to a glbad surface in order to increase its photovoltaic (PV) response.
a biogenic solar cell, "Yadav explained." These hybrid materials we develop can be economically and sustainably produced, and with sufficient optimization could operate at yields comparable to those of conventional solar cells. "[19659002] Better and cheaper
Yadav also believes that the innovative process could reduce cost of producing bacterial dye up to a tenth.His team is currently studying a process that would save bacteria and allow them to indefinitely produce dye , a solution that he calls the "Holy Grail."
"This work lays a solid foundation for the development of bio-PV materials and the next -Generational organic optoelectronics that are green, inexpensive and easy to manufacture The study may also have many potential future applications, in particular, says the study. in low-light environments such as mining or deep-sea exploration.
This is not the only good news for solar cells to come out this week. A new study published in Advanced Materials Interfaces demonstrated that p olymer plastic solar cells could also be more efficient and have more stability than traditional ones.
it seems that there is a race for the next material to rule the world of solar cells. Fortunately, in this competition, the environment and clean energy are all winners.
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