Before President Donald Trump threatens a trade war In the North, a paper mill in the United States decided to attack Canada from a which threatens the US newspaper industry more than Canadian paper producers.

Our government has collected more than 30 per cent complaint filed by this company, NORPAC in the state of Washington A hearing of the US International Trade Commission is scheduled for July 1, 7 [TRADUCTION]

Should this happen, it would seriously harm an industry that is already suffering. This could be enough to drop a lot of newspapers. Newsprint is the second biggest cost of running a newspaper after the people who produce it. This is true even in the era of rapid digital growth and contraction of hardcopy.

OK, we admit it. This subject treated in a newspaper, by a newspaper, is a blatant demonstration of personal interest – yours. Newspapers benefit their communities. Always, and it is in the best interest of the nation that they always do it. Newspapers play a big role in maintaining the government's honesty, from Washington, DC, to local school boards.

Even our most eminent and bitter critic, the president, who has turned the media into a current fashion, still calls his supposed Nemeses to the New York Times when he wants to spread the word.

In the big world, apart from the big city newspapers, the small local newspapers that play an important role in the communities of the 50 states are exposed to a significant risk by this sudden 30% decline not motivated by the market and motivated by political considerations.

The economic threat to the sustainability of newspapers has been important for some time, less the duty. Subscribers and non-subscribers have noticed the shrinkage of the actual product and the staffs that gather the newspapers. These shrinking staffs are people who hear complaints from their communities and seek answers and solutions.

This has always had a price. The profit margin at this price has decreased considerably. There is not much more room for the commercial war against our neighbor's wood and paper industry to benefit an American company more.

No other paper manufacturer complains about Canada's competition. Newspaper jobs nationwide are at stake in the balance for a company, for the satisfaction of hurting the most handsome neighbor that any country could hope to have. We are the cornerstone of democracy. We speak for the people. Speak for us

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