FRESNO, CA – Dave High's 35th Anniversary Night was saved by a tweet. On Wednesday, he ordered cupcakes and sodas to thank the people who kept his Fresno Sunrise Vitamins in business, but the problem is that no one has come forward.
Then Kayla Jackson and her husband stopped in business. vitamins, supplements, essential oils and other products in the early evening. They were the only customers and Jackson did not like that.
So she sent the tweet that saved the party from the dumpster
"We were talking to her," she told KSFN television. "He was just saying that it was his 35th birthday, and how he did not expect it to be so slow, it was rather sad that no one has arrived yet."
Jackson was relentless. Getting people to stop for a cupcake and a drink was not enough. She tweeted a few more photos and included the phone number for Sunrise Vitamins. " Call him and make his day !"
Give Jackson the award for "the officer in a good mood of the day". Calls came from everywhere – not just Fresno, but Colorado, Hawaii and Mexico.
The day of the high – and the one after – was made, agree.
KSFN said Thursday after receiving a call from a benevolent by far. "Everyone arrived from 9 am until now, people were shopping."
High is an old school trader who writes names, phone numbers and other information from his customers on a note pad. Do not advertise. He did not use social media and was not even sure what Twitter was until Jackson used the social media site to publicize his party.
"I'm going to have to look on the Internet and see what that means," he told the television station.
After the experiment, he said that he could give a whirlwind to social media. If he does, Jackson says that she will help him learn how to navigate.
Meanwhile, he has received a lot of "earned media" – the term for public relations that comes without paid advertising. News groups from across the country have taken over the story, from the local business publication to television networks.
Follow Jackson's kindness here on Twitter:
This is Dave. He owns Sunrise Health in Fresno, California. Today, it is his 35th birthday shop and he was waiting for people to come. He bought cupcakes, soft drinks and decorations and no one showed up. I just arrived and he went out to celebrate. Can we get it if recongnition pic.twitter.com/MOSevdzqZE
– kayla (@kaylaaa_jackson) July 26, 2018
Update: Dave is so happy that we have some friends who come to the store we have cupcakes and smell of essential oils pic.twitter.com/GhjOWyEBoh
– kayla (@kaylaaa_jackson) July 26, 2018
Thank you to everyone who l & # 39; call I have never seen it so happy! pic.twitter.com/97tpH2kyr3
– kayla (@kaylaaa_jackson) July 26, 2018
P hoto by Kayla Jackson, used with permission
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