HPV test more effective than Paps to detect, prevent cancer of the cervix of the uterus: study


VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – The results of a decade of research on human papillomavirus (HPV) screening could possibly mean fewer badl smears for women.

According to this study, the screening test is actually better to detect. As you know, all women of childbearing age need to be screened for cervical cancer … because Screening can detect abnormal cervical cells early and treat them, "she says, adding that this study focused on the type of technology used to screen for the virus.

"We compared the existing technology, which is a Pap test, that most women know. and we compared the effectiveness of the Pap test to detect precancerous lesions compared with the use of an HPV test. "

She says the study was initiated because they learned that cervical cancer is" almost exclusively caused "by HPV. If HPV is the cause of this type of cancer, why not to detect the virus rather than cancer?

"We randomized women [in B.C.] to one of two arms: an arm, their Pap test I had the HPV test." that we found after a decade, is that women who received the HPV test were more likely to see precancerous lesions detected earlier … then 48 months, women in the HPV group were significantly less likely to Having a precancerous lesion compared to Ogilvie says another important finding: women who had a negative HPV test at the start of the study, compared to those in the Pap test, were less likely to have abnormal four cells. years later on the road.

"What is it? does ela mean? This means that the HPV test offers more comfort to women when it is negative, [doctors] have more confidence that a negative test is really negative and these women will not develop a precancerous lesion in the next four years. "

The results of the study are being handed out to the agencies that decide testing and screening recommendations for physicians, but Ogilvie says it could mean some changes in the future of your next physical exam.

The pelvic exam will be the same for most In contrast, women might be able to go longer than the current three years between checks.

"We are more confident in a test HPV negative, so we expect that if agencies and jurisdictions use the HPV test or pbad the HPV test this can actually extend the screening interval.It could be every four years or maybe even longer in because of the actual ability of this test to offer the badurance of a negative test. "

According to Ogilvie, women will likely have the opportunity to do their own HPV screening at home with a hole that they will send to the laboratory themselves. take these decisions and recommendations. "

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