Hummingbirds and Bumble Bee Exposure to Pesticides


A new study reveals that hummingbirds and bumblebees are exposed to neonicotinoids and other pesticides by widely distributed and complex pathways. The results are published in Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry .

To measure pesticide exposure of these avian pollinators, researchers have used novel cloacal fluid and faecal pellets from hummingbirds living near blueberry fields in British Columbia. They also collected bumblebees native to Canada, as well as their pollen and blueberry leaves and flowers from conventionally sprayed and organic blueberry farms.

Researchers detected pesticides and related compounds for the first time in the liquid cloacal and fecal pellets of hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are exposed and accumulate exposures to various types of pesticides. In addition, bumblebees, their pollen and bilberry flowers contained pesticides, the highest concentration of imidacloprid in the pollen of organic farms.

"Hummingbirds and bumble bees are important pollinators of wild and agricultural plants that survive every day on the razor's edge because of their high energy requirements," said lead author Christine Bishop , Environment and Climate Change Canada. "Exposure to pesticides in these animals can have impacts on their health and the ecosystem services they provide to humans and wildlife."

Learn more:
Pesticides can make bumble bees drunk, study finds

More information:
Christine A. Bishop et al., Hummingbirds and drones exposed to neonicotinoid and organophosphorus insecticides in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2018). DOI: 10.1002 / etc.4174

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