In Alberta, patients with chronic heart disease are left without drugs because of cancer risks


This week, pharmacists in Alberta are facing a big challenge. They are running out of chronic medications, so it's getting harder and harder to offer patients appropriate substitutes for their heart problems. This situation is the unwanted consequence of a mbadive booster because of suspicions that some drugs might contain a carcinogen.

Patients with heart disease are currently experiencing difficult times in Alberta. Recently, Health Canada has removed from pharmacies all treatments that contain a so-called impure substance that can cause cancer if used long-term.

The controversial element, N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA), can be found in drugs containing valsartan. and it is often used to prevent heart attacks and strokes by treating high blood pressure. Drugs containing valsartan are provided by the Chinese company Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals and after their withdrawal, it seems that pharmacists are struggling to find an appropriate substitute.

Chronic patients are very affected by this situation

Health professionals are facing a difficult situation. They know that patients need their medication, but they can not prescribe a substitute because there is nothing on the market. The pharmacists were not prepared for this situation and do not really know what to say to the people who came to ask for an opinion.

The Department of Health Canada states that drugs are mandatory for patients, but in case they need to change drugs. their prescriptions, the best idea is to check with their doctors or pharmacists first. However, Canada is currently facing a shortage of drugs, so it is difficult to find viable and available alternatives.

In this case, patients are affected by two problems: the disease and the fact that they can not control shortage. The authorities are trying to find a solution as soon as possible.

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