Jeff Bezos briefly becomes the richest person that Amazon workers strike for better conditions – National


Amazon's 2018 Prime Day was full of ups and downs for the giant of online sales.

In the beginning, the company's shares soared, making CEO Jeff Bezos the richest person in history, even with inflation. According to Forbes

Bill Gates already held the record, while his net worth exceeded $ 100 billion in 1999, or $ 151.2 billion in dollars today.

Jeff Bezos, of Amazon, becomes the richest person in history

Then, the first day of the website started at 3 pm. AND, the website was hit with a technical glitch. In the afternoon, stocks were down.

Forbes reported that the net worth of Bezos was $ 149.7 billion.

WATCH: Amazon Prime Day Stricken with Technical Problems

Prime Day allows members to get offers on various items for 36 hours. It has been four years since the company is operating and the company says it is its busiest day of the year

That is why workers have chosen to do strike that day.

Spanish workers are on a three-day strike In 1965, a spokesman for the Verdi Services union told Reuters: "In Germany, workers plan to go on a one-day strike on Tuesday morning, demanding better working conditions. The message is clear: while the online giant is enriching, it saves money on the health of its workers, "said Stefanie Nutzenberger, head of distribution at Verdi.

WATCH: Amazon opens a new blossoming center in Ottawa

Amazon officials said that jobs in distribution centers offered a competitive salary and full benefits from the first day of business. permanent employees earn 12.22 euros ($ 14.31) the hour or more after two years.

"We think that the jobs of Amazon's Fulfillment Center are an excellent to develop skills to start and develop a career. "In a press release, Verdi officials said German workers had been struggling with health problems for years, due to" mental and physical stress ". "

In the United Kingdom, an undercover journalist for Mirror stated that the company imposed strict quotas per hour, timed toilet breaks, and" intolerable "exhausting conditions.

Canada's top CEOs to earn $ 50,000 by noon on January 2: report

Workers in the United States also complain about harsh working conditions.

Seth King, who worked at an Amazon warehouse in Virginia, spoke on Monday. "They provided benefits and a 401K, and very quickly, right away, realized that it's a luxury to offer things like that when they burn people." Their model is a revolving door, they only throw bodies on the floor. "

" I would start one day, go into work, do our stretches, then it was 10 am, four days in a row, walk, you do not Are not allowed to sit, you are not allowed to talk to people in the same lanes – if I were caught talking to people the day I was working … you were written. "

" The middle is very insulating, very depressing, "he said, saying that there were no windows in the warehouse.

King said that he was working a second job to make ends meet and to live with his two children. He worked in the warehouse

Calls for a boycott

Because of the strikes, some call for a boycott of the First Day.

"Workers Demand a # PrimeDay2018 Boycott until July 16. #AmazonStrike Workers Suffer from Depletion, Dehydration and Injuries at Work" , wrote Bonnie Castillo, of a United States nurses union, on Twitter

] is on #AmazonPrimeDay precisely because it is at that time that it will be the most disruptive for Amazon.The goal is to create enough pressure to demand humane working conditions and decent wages.Support the workers, do not shop # PrimeDay2018

– Tovarisch (@nwbtcw) July 16, 2018

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