Lake City Casino will remain open during the strike


Lake City Casino Vernon will not close during the strike.

However, there will be adjusted opening hours. All slots, cashing and cashing operations will operate normally.

The game tables, Match Eatery and Public House, as well as the buffet will remain closed. Lottery payments will be capped at $ 500 – the designation as a Regional Award Center will be suspended until the work ends. The lottery product will still be available for purchase at Guest Services

"We were surprised that the union decided to end the mediation before there was a discussion about wages The union's decision to go on strike before wages are paid is regrettable for our company and our employees, "Public Relations Director Tanya Gabara wrote in a letter open to the public. "We remain open to meeting with the union and hope that they will choose to return to mediation.We also encourage our employees who do not agree with a strike to clearly indicate to the union that they do not want to strike and that they want to continue working to support their families. "

She said she would remain committed to having respectful discussions.the union must enter into a contract mutually acceptable that is reasonable and responsible for both employees and Gateway.

However, no matter the outcome, they will continue to stay open and serve the community.

The operation will run from Wednesday to Sunday from 12h to 22h, Monday and Tuesday: closed

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