More cat declawed in Newfoundland and Labrador | Regional | New


It's a good day to be a cat in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The College of Veterinarians of the province has pbaded a resolution prohibiting licensed veterinarians from performing cat-free surgeries.

The new law will come into effect on January 1, 2019, giving veterinary members who offer this service the opportunity to inform their customers about the change.

This change is supported by the badociation of veterinarians in the province.

Nova Scotia became the first Canadian province to ban unnecessary artificial cat declawing at the beginning of the year.

Last year, the Canadian Veterinary Medical Association reinforced its position by saying that scratching is a normal behavior of cats to mark their territory and that claws help maintain balance, climbing and self-defense.

Dropping out has been a common practice in Canada for some time, but more and more veterinarians are refusing to perform the procedure, believing it causes unnecessary and preventable pain. In addition, some studies indicate that this can lead to behavioral problems later in life.

Related story:

Declaring cats must be banned, says veterinarian

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