A devastated mother described the "real hell" of watching her baby's eczema cause her skin to burn, tear, and spoil every day.
Natasha Das Gupta, 27, of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, says that she has been prescribed four different types of steroid drugs for her daughter Indica, now eight months old, before realizing that this aggravated his condition.
According to the opinion of his doctors, the intensity of the drug now makes steroids dependent on the skin of his daughter.
Since its release in March, the baby's skin has gone through phases of open wound without skin.

(Image: Caters News Agency)
The mother of … two say that she rarely sleeps because of her daughter's dying cries when her skin is inflamed, as she feels like she is "on fire day and night".
"Horrific" side effects are a topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) phase, which happens to some people after stopping strong or long-term steroid treatments.
Indica, who has been abstaining for four months, is beginning to show signs of improvement, her painful phases lasting less time and leaving skin without eczema

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Natasha said, "It took three days for the First Push to reach its climax, c & # 39; was more horrible than anything I had seen before and worse than her eczema had ever been.
"She did not have any skin on her cheeks. C & # 39; was red, wet, and raw, her skin was peeling, it was terrifying
"She screamed as if her skin was on fire all day and all night, there were times when I was not sleeping at all, rocking her all night.] "I could not let her down or leave her, you could see her face thicker than coins, and when she screamed, she burst and cried more
"It was as if her skin was melting and there was nothing I could do about it.
"She would scratch all her skin, so different parts of her body would open and cry."
"It's shocking that it's effects after a month of using the steroid cream intermittent, not even every day.

"It's a game of d & # 39; waiting now, we do not know when it's over, he's worried that his first year of life will be ruined by the pain and that she can not do what other babies can do.
"His first The push lasted for six weeks, then the next one for five weeks, it was three years. "
" Fortunately, they get a little shorter each time and the breakout is less serious and visible. "
Indica was prescribed topical steroid creams in February to treat eczema all over her body. [19659002Somehourswouldleadvuletsaflowers'willclearupaftertheapplicationofdocumentationbutapapeusedapplicationswouldnew

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Child Health
She said, "I used it less than the recommended amount because I knew it was not good for her, I was under-using the prescription and not every day
" Her skin was Would improve over short periods of time, it dissipated and came back afterwards. "
"Yo We could see the significant difference in three or four hours, she acted so fast because she was so small
" But then she again turned overnight, c & # 39; That's how it worked quickly. The last time he came back worse than before and I threw the steroid cream into the trash. "
One day after leaving the steroid creams, Indica skins started to get worse worse than before.
Natasha says through maternal intuition She knew that the drug was to blame and began to research online and try holistic treatments.
She discovered red skin syndrome and topical steroid weaning and recognized her daughter's symptoms.
I knew that his body reacted negatively to steroid creams, but I did not know it had a name.
"It was completely defeated because I knew it was out of my hands."
that the shocking symptoms were manifested, Natasha was afraid to take her daughter to the outside because of the risk of infection and judgment of strangers
She added: "I was afraid that people look at my daughter as if she were a monster. & # 3 9 or think that I was a & # 39; bad mom. A woman even asked if she was a burn victim. "
The recovery time for Indica could take up to a year, but fortunately, the symptoms begin to recede.
Natasha said:" Now she has better days and we
" In the bad days, life is like a prison and really a hell, but it has helped to talk to people who are going through the same thing online. "
Natasha warns others about the harmful effects of smoking. use of steroid-based treatment in a network for sufferers and their caregivers.
She said, "It's incredibly scary what these things can do and you do not know it's going to happen.There are a lot of holistic ways to cure eczema permanently by control of the environment and food.
"I do not think she will remember it, but I hope that she will become a person stronger, it's the devil incarnate if ever I've seen it. "
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