Mum's warning as a baby with extreme eczema "screams as she is on fire" when the skin is peeling off EVERY DAY


A devastated mother described the "real hell" of watching her baby's eczema cause her skin to burn, tear, and spoil every day.

Natasha Das Gupta, 27, of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, says that she has been prescribed four different types of steroid drugs for her daughter Indica, now eight months old, before realizing that this aggravated his condition.

According to the opinion of his doctors, the intensity of the drug now makes steroids dependent on the skin of his daughter.

Since its release in March, the baby's skin has gone through phases of open wound without skin.

After using topical steroid creams, Indica fought a weaning that left her skin red

The mother of … two say that she rarely sleeps because of her daughter's dying cries when her skin is inflamed, as she feels like she is "on fire day and night".

"Horrific" side effects are a topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) phase, which happens to some people after stopping strong or long-term steroid treatments.

Indica, who has been abstaining for four months, is beginning to show signs of improvement, her painful phases lasting less time and leaving skin without eczema

The mother-of-two says that She has rarely slept because of the dying cries of her daughter
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