Natural Gas Shortage Announces Fallback Plans for Winter


VANCOUVER – A shortage of natural gas expected to last during the winter months could result in higher vegetable prices this spring, as gas users, from factories to local governments, strive to conserve and find alternative sources of fuel.

This shortage follows the explosion of a pipeline near Prince George earlier this month and at one of the province's largest utilities, FortisBC, says that means that the Supply will be reduced by 50 to 80% during the colder months of the year.

Linda Delli Santi, executive director of the BC Greenhouse Growers' Association, said the higher costs badociated with the use of alternative fuels or soaring gasoline prices would be reflected in consumers.

"Our members certainly have the task of covering at least the costs of production. So yes, they will try to get higher prices in the market, "she said.

Natural gas is a vital part of the growth process, not only as a source of heat, but because the carbon dioxide it produces feeds the plants, she said.

Most producers have an interruptible plan with FortisBC, which means that they pay a reduced rate, but the service can be interrupted in case of an emergency, such as a pipeline explosion or during cold spells, and prioritized over other customers.

Although natural gas service has been restored since the October 9 incident, she said that at least one producer had told her that it could skip production this season due to concerns about the prices of gasoline.

Enbridge, the owner of the pipeline, said he hoped to be able to restart his broken pipeline by mid-November, but the pressure in this pipeline and in a smaller pipeline located at proximity will remain below the peak levels until the spring.

The National Energy Board said Friday in a statement that it had ordered Enbridge to limit gas flows to 80% of the pressure level of the explosion site, located about 15 km northeast of Prince George, the entire length of the pipeline up to BC-United. Border states, as a safety measure aimed at protecting people and the environment.

FortisBC has stated that maintaining the warmth of its home is its priority because it manages a reduced supply over the next few months and encourages all users to save energy.

"We have gas flows to all our customers, including manufacturers, although their use is limited," said FortisBC spokesman Sean Berdow. "In the end, depending on the factors and if we have supply problems, we can use different levers."

The utility has taken steps to maximize the production of the Southern Crossing gas pipeline that supplies the interior from Alberta and is working to obtain additional natural gas on the open market to meet demand. He also works with his larger customers to optimize their energy consumption and identify backup options, Berdow said.

"Many heavy industries are able to change fuel, so they look at the current scenario and say it makes more sense for us to work with alternative fuel supplies," he said.

Provincial government data indicate that the industrial sector consumed about twice as much natural gas as residential and commercial users.

Canfor's wood products company has received a specified amount of natural gas to use from its three pulp mills in Prince George, House of Commons spokeswoman Michelle Ward said in a statement.

"In addition to Fortis allocations, we are supplementing our natural gas needs with truckload fuel. Thanks to this distribution and the current temperatures, we are able to run the mills, "said Ward.

Catalyst Paper relies on FortisBC for natural gas service at its three plants located in Powell River, Crofton and Port Alberni.

About 90% of its energy comes from wood waste, but natural gas is used in its slow combustion furnaces as a source of backup fuel and to keep the boiler stable in winter.

Carlo Dal Monte, director of energy management, said the company was used to having FortisBC reduce its offer one to two weeks a year during cold winds. In these situations, it switches to recycled fuel oil to focus on products requiring less steam than lighter paper.

Given the unprecedented situation that followed the explosion of the pipeline, the company strives to create action plans for the conservation of steam and to have the maximum reserve fuel in each of its factories, he said.

"We recognize that there is unexplored water for everyone. We also recognize that as industrial customers, we are probably the first to be reduced, "he said, adding that the goal was to minimize any impact on his customers.

The City of Vancouver is taking steps to reduce the use of natural gas by shutting down its asphalt plant and lowering the thermostats of all staff-occupied buildings, recreational centers areas. not affecting the public and libraries.

"We continue to evaluate the impact of a long-term gas disruption on the city's operations and we will examine further adjustments that could be made if it is possible." It was a recurring problem, "spokeswoman Ellie Lambert said in an e-mail.

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