NSLC President Presents Overview of Nova Scotia's "Unique" Cannabis Stores


HALIFAX – The Nova Scotia Liquor Corp. offered a glimpse into one of its upcoming cannabis stores Wednesday, featuring a unique hybrid of detail that is found nowhere else in the world. A visit to the NSLC cannabis store on Joseph Howe Drive in Halifax indicates that Nova Scotia is the only jurisdiction that sells cannabis and alcohol under one roof

. Mitchell said inside the new cannabis store, located in a renovated section of the liquor store.

"This has not been done to my knowledge anywhere else in the world, and this will make it a very different retail environment than you will experience in any other jurisdiction. "

The entrance of the 130 square meter rectangular store – which will be one of the largest of the prov ince – is located in the back left corner of the liquor store under big letters that read "cannabis."

Behind the counter and covering an entire wall are dozens of white boxes that will eventually contain types of cannabis.The products available will be displayed on television screens and are divided into four distinct categories: relax , relax, center and improve.

Mitchell calls this a "discovery guide approach."

"The Four Categories Are How We Will Be By grouping our badortments, we hope that those who are new to the category will have the opportunity to choose what they are looking for when they will buy cannabis," he said. Mitchell,

For example, a sign on the wall explains that "to relax" Products offer "relaxing and soothing experiences that are generally more focused on the body than on the mind."

Some Many tablets on wooden countertops contain information to help customers choose a product. "Mitchell said the" hosts "will greet customers on their arrival, first to determine if they want to. they have the legal age, and then show them how to shop.

Cannabis will be supplied in a sealed bag, and must be purchased before leaving the confines of the cannabis store.

The products and accessories; res will be displayed in cabinets on the walls. Customers will not be able to smell the product except at his Clyde Street store in downtown Halifax. NSLC says the products will have descriptions about their "nose".

There are also a number of safety messages posted on signs throughout the store, including smoking and driving warnings. He added that the hope is to withdraw them once the rush to failure has begun and the clients are familiar with the process. The store can comfortably accommodate sixty people.

Mitchell concedes that the opening of the store will not come without growth pains.

"It's a new experience for us and it will take time to understand it."

He said that to have a cannabis shop inside the liquor store he had to comply with a number of federal regulations, including the fact that it was totally separate from the liquor store. No one under 19 is allowed in the cannabis section.

"There's going to be an apprenticeship, do people shop the same way, do they come at the same time of the day, how do they interact with the staff? very different experience, "he said, adding that the average transaction of alcohol is three minutes, while cannabis transactions will take up to 20 minutes.

Twelve cannabis stores will open Oct. 17 Mitchell. He said that they predict that 90 people at the hour will use the Joseph Howe Boulevard cannabis store once opened.

The introduction of cannabis is expected to double retail sales of this place, from $ 11.5 million to $ 22.5 million a year, Mitchell said.

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