Do not worry, the recent deadly outbreak of E. coli in romaine lettuce is over. And yes, romaine lettuce that you buy at the store or pile on your plate at the salad bar is now healthy to eat.
But how was this lettuce contaminated in the first place? The answer could be in the water
According to an update from the outbreak of the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention published June 28, romaine lettuce contaminated with a particularly virulent strain of 39; E. Coli O157: H7 States between March 13 and June 6. The age of the victims ranged from 1 to 88 years old.
Eighty-six of these people were sick enough to be hospitalized; 27 of these people developed a hemolytic uremic syndrome, a type of kidney failure. Five people from four states have died. This is the worst outbreak of E. coli O157: H7 since a spinach outbreak of 2006
A single source
Using a particular type of genetic fingerprinting called whole genome sequencing, the CDC was able to determine that E. coli bacteria sampled in patients are closely related genetically, so that only one source of infection is the most likely cause.
The US Food and Drug Administration, CDC and various partners only one growing region: Yuma, Arizona, which is called the "Capital of Winter Lettuce of the World" .
Yuma provides not only lettuce. Thanks to the rich soil created by the sediments of the Colorado River and good irrigation, Yuma cultivates about $ 2.5 billion a year of more than 175 crops, including dates, lemons and melons. But what is important here is that Yuma County says that it grows 90 percent of all green leafy vegetables in America between the months of November and March

According to the FDA, the last lettuce deliveries for the season were shipped in April and the shelf life has expired, therefore, the contaminated lettuce is not available. not available. [19659002FDA'sinvestigativeinvestigationrevealedthattheepidemiccouldnotbeattributedtoanyoftheharvester-transducer-transducerproductsthatwereinmultiplesupplychainsThisledtothefactthattheepidemiccouldcometosomecommunity(19659002)OnJune28theCDCsaidthatinfactthesamplescollectedfromthecbadwaterirrigatingtheYumafieldswerecoveredwiththesamedeadlybacteria"TheEcoliO157:H7foundinthecbadwateriscloselylinkedgeneticallytoEcoliO157:H7ofsickpeople"saidtheCDCinafinalupdateontheoutbreak
How to E. being in the water of the cbad is still under investigation by the FDA. "Samples were taken from the area's environmental sources, including water, soil and cow manure." Assessment of these samples is ongoing, the FDA said in a statement.

Interestingly, not everyone who became ill had actually eaten romaine lettuce. have had close contact with people who have eaten the infected vegetables.The CDC reminds everyone to always use safe handling practices with any fruit or vegetable.
"The milestones consist of cook the meat well and wash your hands after using the toilet or changing the diapers after contact with the animals, "advises the CDC
Written by Sandee LaMotte for CNN.
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