Parcel delivery companies prepare to fill the gap as Greyhound leaves Western Canada


Parcel delivery companies say they are ready to fill the gap when Greyhound Canada closes most of its operations this fall.

The company claims that its Greyhound Package Express service will no longer be available in most areas of BC, Ontario and all of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Canada. after the end of pbadenger service at the end of October.

READ MORE: What are the alternatives to Greyhound in Western Canada?

says Dennis Steele, owner of Steele & # 39; s Transfer in Calgary

Transportation companies like him compete with Greyhound's lower prices by offering services tailored to customer needs, a- he said. The company, founded by its parents in 1957, has approximately 30 drivers serving primarily the Edmonton-Calgary corridor, but offers a wider range of delivery points through inter-carrier and third-party carriers. [196] David Butler, Greyhound's regional vice-president for eastern Canada, said closed areas represented about 1.15 million people. 1.2 million packages delivered each year by Greyhound, adding that about two-thirds of the shipments were made under contract by commercial customers.

Greyhound's freight service cost less than most, but its schedule was also less convenient as it depended on the "

" It's a very competitive market and there's a lot of it. " options for customers of the packaging industry to consider, "he said.

Greyhound said it was ending pbadenger service after years of schedule and price adjustments because ridership had dropped by nearly 41 percent across the country since 2010. Butler said the parcel service is down 35 percent in the same period.

READ M ORE: Is Public Transport a Human Right? How to bridge Greyhound's gap

A Purolator Canada spokesperson would not comment directly on Greyhound's service, but she claimed that the closure would not affect her plans. 39; business.

Purolator goes from the front. Courtney Reistetter wrote in an email

James Anderson, a spokesperson for FedEx Canada, would not comment on the Greyhound service, but said his firm was able to "Margaret Becker, who runs a business of high-speed delivery to Fort St. John, in northeastern British Columbia, said the oil and gas sector uses Greyhound as equipment. "Someone else will take over," she said, adding that demand is weak now because depressed natural gas prices have blocked local activity in the area.

READ MORE: The withdrawal of the Greyhounds from Western Canada "will have repercussions on the mobility of the workforce": Mayor of Edmonton [19659002] The loss of the Greyhound parcel service in Western Canada ary Blaney, 50, who has remembered dozens of packets delivered over the years by Greyhound to his distant family members

"As long as I can remember, my family used Greyhound to send gifts to Christmas." He said. "It was the most affordable and reliable way."

He said that Greyhound's family had peaked when he was young in a small town in Saskatchewan while it was the best way to communicate with loved ones. Ontario, Alberta and BC

But this traffic has almost entirely stopped since he moved to Calgary more than a decade ago.

"It's the world we live in. ] READ MORE: Women Fleeing Domestic Violence Among the Groups Affected by Greyhound Abandoning Western Canada

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