Newly elected Progressive Conservative Premier Doug Ford began scuttling the legacy of the previous Liberal government after only a few days in power, freezing new measures on police surveillance, ticket misappropriation and vaping, as well as the firing of the new chief scientist
The new prime minister acted quickly to put his mark on the public service and put an end to a number of new initiatives since the inauguration of his cabinet and from his cabinet Friday. The Liberals had been in office for almost 15 years before the party suffered a catastrophic loss in June. Now the Conservatives say that they want to consult widely on a number of new rules introduced by former Premier Kathleen Wynne during the last year of her government
even before entering in the prime minister's office, Mr. Ford upset Queen's Park. His new administration ended hiring in the public service, froze the salaries of managers and began dismantling the cap and trade system of carbon rights of the company. Ontario before officially taking power
. Mr. Ford was fired by Chief Scientist Molly Shoichet. An award-winning professor at the University of Toronto, she was named Ontario's first scientist and, until now, chief scientist last November, in what the Wynne Liberals said was an effort to create a voice for science at the highest level. of the government. Shoichet learned Tuesday after the long weekend of Canada Day, that she had been released.
"I was fired. I do not think it's about me or even the position of scientific leader, but rather an outing with the old and in the new, even if, for me, I had just spent there six months, "Shoichet told the Globe and Mail in an email
The government will maintain the role and find someone new to fill it, said Simon Jefferies, a Ford spokesman. The chief scientist should inform decision makers, promote Ontario's scientific research nationally and internationally, and develop a research agenda for the government.
"The chief scientist has been removed from office. We will try to find a suitable and qualified replacement, "said Jefferies. Ford also sacked Allan O. Dette, chief investment officer of Ontario, and dismissed former TD Bank general manager, Ed Clark, from his role as business advisor of the first Minister
. Special Investigations Unit before its entry into force. The unit, which deals with all cases of death, serious injury and badual badault involving the police, was to gain greater powers
while they were campaigning, the conservatives rejected a far-reaching Liberal bill.
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In a letter delivered to three police organizations just hours after his swearing in, Mr. Ford promises that he will not be able to do anything. Other changes will come to the police legislation. "We believe that the previous government's Bill 175 is undermining law enforcement efforts in the province and undermining confidence in the police. Law-abiding people in this province should never feel in danger when dealing with people who protect us, "writes Mr. Ford.
New scalping rules that would have capped the price of resales at 50% above the value-added face, which were introduced under an omnibus consumer protection law at the end of last year, were also suspended. "According to Mr. Jefferies The Ontario government has no way to enforce this cap. The government has announced that it would review the provisions, introduced after public anger, with a widely spread Tragically Hip tour more at the diagnosis of the frontal brain cancer of the frontman Gord Downie
A set of new rules that would have regulated the vaping in the same way By smoking, putting an end to the practice of the tests in store and demanding that the retailers g ardent the hidden product of the public, they were also paused. The government said it wanted to re-examine evidence of the use of vaping as a smoking cessation tool.
The New Democrats, who are now the official opposition of Ontario, have accused Mr. Ford's cabinet of canceling the law without the legislature "Nobody voted for business to take place secretly, behind closed doors, "Chief Andrea Horwath said in a statement. "And I'm sure no one voted for a prime minister who would listen to influencers and lobbyists while excluding everyday people affected by the laws."
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will meet Mr. Ford for the first time Thursday at the Prime Minister's Office at Queen's Park
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