People's Pharmacy: Research Can not Find a Significant Loss of Belly Fat Caused by Conjugated Linoleic Acid | Life


Q: I take conjugated linoleic acid three times a day for several years to fight abdominal fat. Could you tell me what you think about the effectiveness of this supplement? I am 67 years old and weighs 102 pounds, but I still have a good piece of belly fat. Am I wasting my money?

A: A systematic review of 13 randomized controlled trials comparing conjugated linoleic acid, or CLA, to a placebo for weight control concluded that this supplement did not have a significant effect on the turn of size, also called belly fat 19, 2018). These supplements can reduce weight and increase lean body mbad in overweight people, but not much. In addition, research in rats suggests that CLA may increase insulin resistance, which is not a beneficial development (Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes, June 2018).

Q: For warts, I used super glue. What has led to this, are the anecdotes reporting the success of canvas tape and banana peel. It seemed that their common point was to block the air from the wart. That's why I thought about cyanoacrylate glue. This happens easily, does not wash quickly and is almost invisible.

A: You did not tell us if this glue allowed you to get rid of your warts! We found a case report in which doctors used surgical glue for related purposes (BMC Gastroenterology, February 14, 2010). However, this does not seem to be widely used.

Warts are caused by the skin's reaction to the human papillomavirus. People have come up with a wide range of home remedies to solve this problem, including sticking banana peel on the wart with the inside of the peel on the skin. Other readers have used cayenne pepper in their socks or turmeric with yellow spices under a bandage for plantar warts (those of the soles of the feet).

As you have noted, duct tape is a popular treatment, especially for plantar warts. A research study found that salicylic acid acts as well as liquid nitrogen for the treatment of warts in children and is less painful (Paediatrics & Child Health, March 2014). This badysis does not show that duct tape is better than placebo for treating warts and that the adhesive can be irritating. We would love to see your approach to eliminating warts using super glue.

Q: I have high blood pressure and would like to take something natural to reduce it. A friend suggested hawthorn, but that does not seem to do much. Can you help?

A: There are many non-drug approaches that can be helpful in controlling blood pressure. Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) is widely used in European herbal medicine for cardiovascular health (Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, August 2017). We do not see the point of continuing with something that does not help, though.

In the "Blood Pressure Treatment Guide" we send you, you will find plenty of information on natural approaches, including relaxation, deep breathing and a DASH diet to maximize your intake of potbadium and magnesium. These minerals are essential for healthy blood pressure. If you wish to obtain a copy, please send a check or money order ($ 3) with a long envelope (# 10), stamped (71 cents), to your address at the popular Graedons Pharmacy, # B-67, PO Box 52027, Durham, NC 27717-2027. It can also be downloaded for $ 2 from our website:

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