Prada or Primark? Men with high levels of testosterone prefer luxury brands because they improve their social status


While some men are happy to buy clothes at Primark, others are not satisfied unless wearing designer clothes.

Now, a new study suggests that a man's testosterone levels may influence whether he is influenced by luxury products.

Researchers at Caltech University have found that men with high levels of testosterone are more likely to prefer higher quality brands than men with lower levels.

The team suggests that this could be an unconscious tactic for high testosterone males to increase their social status.

Primark Bags

Professor Colin Camerer, who stated the study: "In the animal kingdom, testosterone promotes aggression but aggression is at the service of status. "

"Many human behaviors are rehabilitated behaviors in our primate parents, so here we are replacing physical aggression with some kind of" consumer "aggression."

The researchers compare this benefit and cost behavior of elaborate tails worn by male peabads.

Researchers compare this behavior to the benefits and costs of elaborate tails worn by male peabads
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