While some men are happy to buy clothes at Primark, others are not satisfied unless wearing designer clothes.
Now, a new study suggests that a man's testosterone levels may influence whether he is influenced by luxury products.
Researchers at Caltech University have found that men with high levels of testosterone are more likely to prefer higher quality brands than men with lower levels.
The team suggests that this could be an unconscious tactic for high testosterone males to increase their social status.

(Image: PA)
Professor Colin Camerer, who stated the study: "In the animal kingdom, testosterone promotes aggression but aggression is at the service of status. "
"Many human behaviors are rehabilitated behaviors in our primate parents, so here we are replacing physical aggression with some kind of" consumer "aggression."
The researchers compare this benefit and cost behavior of elaborate tails worn by male peabads.

(Image: EyeEm) [19659008] Professor Camerer explained: "If he did not need to attract partners, a peabad would be better off without his tail." It would be easier for the peabad to escape. to predators and easier for him to find food if he did not carry that tail.
"In biology, this is known as an expensive signage.
It's better not to spend $ 300,000 for a car but, by buying this car, it shows people that it is rich enough that it can. "
The study included 243 volunteers aged 18 to 55 years who were receiving a dose of testosterone gel., Or placebo.

(Image GETTY)
They then completed a series of tasks designed to gauge their preferences for various brands and goods.
revealed that men who received a dose of testosterone preferred luxury brands to men who received the placebo.
Professor Camerer added, "In our closest relatives, men spend a lot of time and energy dominating.
" We, too, but our weapons are what w Porter, lead, and live in rather than claws, fists, and muscles. "
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