Prohibit plastic straws – see how much it really helps and who could hurt – National


Straws have become the critical point of a global crusade against plastic waste.

Several cities, companies and world leaders have committed to banning plastic products in order to rid the mbades of water of waste. MORE: Starbucks will abandon plastic globally by 2020

But does it really make sense to focus on this product?

Chelsea Rochman, an badistant professor at the University of Toronto who studies pollutants in freshwater, explained that straws are just one element of a problem much more vast

"Straws are a kind of fruit at hand. "I hope everyone realizes that it's a step away from a lot and that there is no quick fix to plastic pollution."

Here's a overview of the movement

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Plastic waste in the oceans in figures

United Nations figures show that nearly of nine million tons of plastic bottles, bottles, packaging and other waste enter the ocean each year, killing marine life and entering the human food chain. The straws reach about 2,000 tons

They also represent only about 4% of the plastic waste in number of pieces.

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That's not to say that & # 39; They are not significant. Rochman explained that they are typically "one of the first 10 items" found in beach cleanings.

Overall, about 80 percent of all waste in the oceans is made up of plastic.

The UN has launched a campaign to eliminate WATCH: Pressure is mounting on Canada to design a solution to stop plastic pollution

Why plastic straws then?

The United Nations

Much of the movement began with the attempt of the European Union and the United Kingdom to reduce plastic waste from the oceans.

In April, British Prime Minister Theresa May promised to eradicate plastic waste in 2042, as part of a "national action plan."

But their directive highlighted several types of single-use plastics, including straws, but also cotton swabs, wet wipes, sticks and more.

READ MORE: Br Part of the reason why plastic straws have become a hot issue is due to a viral video, which shows that marine biologists are removing a straw from the nostril of a sea turtle .

Rochman says the video accurately shows how straws can hurt animals.

"There is evidence that straws are the culprit, causing death in animals when they eat or cause injury.

WATCH: Starbucks prohibits plastic straws, but can not recycle all cuts

Straw replacements are not all equal

It's up to companies to choose how to replace plastic straws.

opted for straws made of paper or compostable plastic, while others plan to buy reusable metal straws

Starbucks, which is the largest agribusiness company to engage globally in the sale of plastic straw, will have eyelids without straw [19659002] READ M ORE: Toronto restaurants push for the elimination of plastic straws to reduce waste

Rochman said companies should choose replacement to b If this is not the case, the whole process can be a waste of time and money.

"If you replace something with compostable plastic, you absolutely must have a mechanism for composting. In most cities around the world, there is no magic green bin in which we can put these materials, "she explained, suggesting that paper replacements could be more respectful of the environment. environment

19659036] Who will replace wounded plastic straws?

Those who cut straws or consider replacements should also consider the unintended hardships that they could cause to persons with disabilities.

Several advocates have said that people with mobility limitations need

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James Hicks of the Council of Canadians with Disabilities told The Canadian Press that disabilities are treated as an afterthought in discussions.

"One need should not outweigh another.The need for good environmental products should not override the needs of people with disabilities, and vice versa," Hicks said.

He added that any law on the use of straw should include badurances that straws remain accessible and affordable to those who need them.

Similar concerns were raised by the American Defense Organization Ed Wiley Autism Acceptance Library in a post on Facebook

The organization reported that straws made from alternative materials were not enough .

WATCH: 11 years old begins petition to ban plastic straws

"Paper and biodegradable straws break down faster than many of us can use them," the post read.

He added that metal straws can become too hot and cause injury. And those with mobility limitations may not be able to wash reusable straws.

– With files from The Associated Press, The Canadian Press

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