July 28, 2018
Researchers at the University of Guelph have discovered the type of stem cells that allow geckos to create new brain cells, proving that lizards can also regenerate parts of the brain after a wound.
This finding could help replace lost or damaged human brain cells due to injury, aging, or illness.
"The brain is a complex organ and there are so few good treatments for brain damage. Said Professor Matthew Vickaryous of the Department of Biomedical Sciences at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). "The results indicate that gecko brains are constantly renewing brain cells, which humans are notoriously bad at doing," said Dr. Matthew Vickaryous. did he declare.
Published in Scientific Reports This study is the first to provide evidence of the formation of new neurons – and the presence of stem cells – in the brain of the leopard gecko
. d to zebrafish or salamanders. Our work uses lizards, which are closer to mammals than fish or amphibians, "said Rebecca McDonald, a master's student who led the study.
Researchers have identified stem cells that Regularly produce new brain cells in the medial cortex.An area of the brain that is responsible for cognition and social behavior, it is also a part of the brain of the lizard that has a well-studied counterpart in the human brain – Hippocampus
To Track Cells in Geckos By examining cells marked over time, researchers have seen where they appeared, where they migrated, and what types of cells they eventually became. [19659003] McDonald says that she was surprised how many stem cells the gecko brain contains and how quickly new brain cells are produced.
The year Last, Vickaryous published a study that identified cells in geckos allow them to repel their spiny cords during the regeneration of their tails.
"The next step in this area of research is to determine why some species, such as geckos, can replace brain cells while others enter the OVC veterinary medicine program this year and hope to continue to investigating wound healing
"Recently, there has been a lot of new information about the brain's ability to produce new cells," This is definitely an area of research that has the potential to change the way we treat cancer. brain damage. "
https: // news.uoguelph.ca/2018/07/u-of-g-study-is-first-to-find-evidence-that-leopard-geckos- can-make-new-brain-cells /