Schreiner asks his first question while solar projects in Guelph are canned


During Tuesday's question period at Queen's Park, Guelph MLA Mike Schreiner asked Premier Doug Ford if the Ontario government had conducted a study of 39, economic impact on the costs of eliminating green energy programs. "The cancellation of the Ontairo plan to set the price of pollution without an alternative plan sends a bad signal to investors and businesses in the clean economy," said Chief Schreiner. of the Green Party of Ontario during Question Period

. The question is the first ever asked by a Green Party MP in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

On Monday, Ted Arnott, chairman of the badembly, ruled that one of eight provincial MPs without party status, including Schreiner, question a day. Therefore, it is expected that Mr. Schreiner will be allowed to ask a question about once every two weeks during the Legislative Assembly.

In total, six rooftop solar projects in Guelph are affected by the government's announcement. and two by SP Wala LP.

The provincial government has stated that all 758 renewable energy projects that have been identified to be liquidated or canceled have not reached their key stages of development.

Greg Rickford, Minister of Energy, Northern Development and Mines of Ontario A recent press release canceling 758 renewable energy projects will allow the province to save $ 790 million.

"We have clearly pledged to cancel these useless and unnecessary energy projects as part of our 12% hydropower rate reduction plan, farmers and small businesses," Rickford said. "In recent weeks, we have taken important steps to deliver on this promise."

Rickford said Ontario families were forced to pay inflated prices for electricity, which the previous Liberal government could spend on renewable energy projects. Rickberg

The announcement by the provincial government of the cancellation of projects is detrimental to business, Schreiner said.

He estimates that 274,000 Canadians have jobs in the clean economy sector and said that During the election campaign, Prime Minister Ford promised to put up a poster open to businesses, but it is clear that the only signature at this time indicates – in large letters – that Ontario is closed to business. the economy of clean technologies $ 7 trillion, "said Schreiner in a press release on the cancellation of projects.

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