Scientists create the fastest-growing object in the world


Scientists have created the world's fastest spinning object: an incredibly small "dumbbell" that can perform more than 60 billion rotations per second, which is about 100,000 times faster than ever before. 39, a high speed dental drill. Researchers from Purdue University, Peking University, Tsinghua University and Quantum Matter's collaborative innovation center in Beijing say the subject matter will help study quantum mechanics – the weird physics of the very small – among other applications

The rotating dumbbell was described in a study published in the journal Physical Review Letters .

"This study has many applications including material science," Tongcang Li, an badistant professor of physics and astronomy, electrical and computer engineering, at Purdue University, said in a statement . "We can study the extreme conditions in which different materials can survive."

The tiny dumbbell or nanoparticle is about the size of a virus – measuring about 170 nanometers wide and 320 nanometers long – that researchers synthesized from silica, a colorless white chemical compound composed of silicon elements and oxygen. For reference, a nanometer is a billionth of a meter

The team, led by Li, levitated this nanoparticle in a vacuum using a laser that can either rotate it at unprecedented speeds or vibrate.

The spins, the dumbbell works like a rotor, but when it vibrates, it acts as an badog of the torsion balance, an instrument used to measure very weak forces. These two states could help scientists to learn about quantum mechanics and vacuum properties

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"People say that there is nothing in the void, but in physics we know it's not really empty, "Li said." There are a lot of virtual particles that can stay for a short time and disappear, we want to understand what's really going on, and that's why we want to do the most sensible torsion balance. "

The next step for researchers is to conduct experiments involving faster rotational speeds that will allow more accurate testing of fundamental physics theories, including exotic forms of friction in voids.

 176145_web [1945990] 19659011] Tongcang Li and Jonghoon. Ahn levitated a nanoparticle in a vacuum and spun it at high speed, which he hopes will help them study the properties of vacuum and quantum mechanics.

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It is when pairs, or groups, of particles interact with each other so that they defy the clbadical laws of physics. One object can influence another simultaneously, even if it has no direct physical connection and is separated by great distances, such as the length of the universe.

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