She Macpherson Thinned Dr. Andrew Wakefield – Brinkwire


The controversial British doctor who attends Elle Macpherson is "deliriously in love" with the model and has adopted a strict new health regime to follow her, can reveal it.

Andrew Wakefield, 61, lost inches After replacing his favorite foods with "well-being milkshakes" recommended by devotee Macpherson, 54, well-nourished and healthy

father of four children also traded his fashionable wardrobe. According to his close friends, may also reveal that Wakefield took away his new love during a trip to the French countryside and also spent evenings with her in Los Angeles and Austin, Texas.

Neither Wakefield nor Macpherson have commented publicly since has revealed exclusive photos this week of the pair of lovers walking arm in arm and kissing a m arket in Miami.

The photos would have stunned Wakefield's wife, Carmen, 61, that he would have left last year just a month after moving into a Tuscan-style villa of 1.4 million of dollars built in Austin. revealed Tuesday that Wakefield built a new home for Carmel before throwing it away a month later – because "he wanted to end up".

Wakefield, who was banned from practicing medicine in the UK because of unethical behavior, was first photographed next to the doctor. Macpherson modeling icon at a awards ceremony last November.

But her partner, Polly Tommey, who campaigns for autism, insisted that Wakefield's 31-year-old marriage was over long before his chance meeting with "The Body".

"He's separated from his wife a year ago, whatever others say to be wrong," Tommey, 51, told

"It's a pity But these things happen … Why stay in a marriage when you're unhappy? "

" She's so darling She put her on those shakes now for her lunch and dinner. "He lost weight , he traded his questionable jackets for sheets, he looks more fit than ever.

"He is described as a horrible child killer, but these are bulls." C & # 39; is an adorable guy who only wants to protect children.He deserves happiness as much as anybody else.

"I really think she's lucky to have it." really, really happy together, he's madly in love and we're all delighted with that. "

A former physician and researcher, Wakefield became famous for fueling the anti-war movement -vaccination with his largely debunked research claiming that the MMR jab was causing autism and intestinal disease.

He was banned from practicing in the UK in 2010, but moved his family to the United States when he continues to promote his controversial approach to medicine.

Brian Burrowes, 48, who edited Wakefield's controversial 2016 documentary, Vaxxed, confirmed that he and Macpherson had started dating together after being the two guests of the Doctors Who Rock Awards last November.

The Black Tie Gala held in Orlando, Florida was to honor alternative medicine practitioners, with Macpherson handing out a prize and Wakefield receiving one.

He sent me a photo of them together asking "do you know who is?" I've said of course that I do, I remember Sports Illustrated, & # 39; Burrowes tells

I asked what was going on and he said that he was at a ceremony when she sat next to him. They hit her and a little later, I heard she had flown to Los Angeles where he was living at the time.

"They also came to Austin together for a few days and he introduced us. They were very clever, they went for a walk and he showed it around the place.

He is obviously a bit infatuated. He said to me, "Brian, how did this happen?" I laughed and said that I really did not understand how it had happened. I'm really happy for him.

Wakefield and Macpherson both posted photos from the South of France from their respective Instagram accounts in late June and early July.

There are no photos commented on several photos of Wakefield, writing "Love these red shutters" under an image of the childhood home of Henri Toulouse-Lautrec, Chateau Bosc in Albi.

Today, Wakefield is content to say, "Yeah, no comment. Thank you very much, goodbye.

Carmen Wakefield, who is supposed to be out of the United States to visit her 24-year-old daughter, Imogen, who is studying abroad, has not commented yet.

But his brother Finbar O & # 39; Donovan told this week that her sister was shocked by the speed with which her ex-husband had moved.

O & # 39; Donovan suggested that the separated couple, who also has three sons named James, 29, Samuel, 27 and Coren, 21, had only confirmed that they were separating in April and n & rsquo; Had not yet initiated divorce proceedings.

"She feels abandoned because it seems that they met shortly after the separation of Andrew and her, only a few months ago. [19659002"It'sveryearlyafteramarriagebreakdown"hesaidaddingthathenolongertalkstohisbrother-in-law

"They had to move in. America, his career was in ruins here, and my sister has always been one of his biggest supporters professionally. "

As Wakefield embarked on global conspiracy conference tours Carmel produced his own stream of videos on YouTube highlighting the problems faced by parents of autistic children.

The couple's first home was a five-bedroom ranch and 5,000 sq. ft. in the western suburbs of Austin, worth over $ 1.4 million with a pool, hot tub and waterfall overlooking a hilly hill.

Later they have recovered a plot of land along the same road and began in 2015 to build a Tuscan style three-bed villa with terracotta tiles, rock gardens and a large guest house. Three-bedroom property at $ 1.4 million but locals say it could be worth a lot more.

Carmen is supposed to develop at least one other local property as well as host a radio show playing clbadical music.

She also works under her maiden name, O 'Donovan, as a voiceover artist, describing her style as "British, authoritarian, educated, calm, talkative, ironic." [19659002] A web page promoting her work says she specializes in pronouncing medical terminology as she is a medically qualified physician.

She can also interpret a variety of accents, including "Irish, French, Spanish, African (educated at Oxford) and Exotic Arabic"

in her now-famous 1998 journal, Wakefield – born in Berkshire, England – speculated the fact of being vaccinated with a "dead" form of the measles virus by vaccination causes disruption of the intestinal tissue.

Following terrible warnings, the vaccination rate in the United Kingdom rose from 92% to 84% in 2002.

Measles cases also increased from 56 in 1998 to 449 in 2006. In the United States, researchers estimated that as many as 125,000 children born in the late 1990s did not receive MMR vaccination because of Wakefield's misrepresentations.

His message was also blamed for spikes in measles rates elsewhere in the world.

Wakefield's theory was based on false evidence and was retracted by the leading medical journal, The Lancet, in 2010.

The shameful clinician was banned from practicing medicine in the UK three months later. to promote his theories in the United States, where admirers include President Donald Trump.

Wakefield met with the president with four other anti-vaccine activists in the summer of 2016 and attended a grand opening ball after Trump's election victory.

Macpherson is a well-known adept of alternative medicine and talked about her use of acupuncture, natural remedies and a daily alkaline supplement that she uses to fight anti aging based on Chinese herbs and mushrooms.

Australian beauty is currently based in Miami, having moved from London with her sons through her ex-partner Arpad & # 39; Arki & # 39; Busson – Flynn, 19, and Aurelius, 14 – to live with her second husband, billionaire developer Jeffrey Soffer.

They married in 2013 at the exclusive Laucala Resort in Fiji but divorced four years later.

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