Statistics Canada's request for data banking of 500,000 Canadians provokes privacy investigation


OTTAWA – Federal privacy commissioner Daniel Therrien says he is investigating Statistics Canada's request for private banking information on 500,000 Canadians.

Therrien said Wednesday, which has been compiled by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.

He said, "The formal investigation will include an examination of the demands of the United States.

Canada's chief statistician, Anil Arora,

"More than 75 percent of consumer and consumer impacts in Canada and the United States. a gig economy, "Arora said.

Statistics Canada's growing reliance on "administrative data sources," mainly information collected by businesses about their customers. Many of these businesses have contacted the privacy commissioner to make sure that it is OK, his report said.

Therrien suggested that possible where possible, Statistics Canada should tell the companies involved.

"To ensure transparency, we recommend StatCan let the Canadian public know how and why it is increasing its collection of data from other non-traditional sources," the report said.

Therrien to take a second look. Therrien to take a second look.

Statistics Canada can compile businesses to supply a wide range of data.

"I understand the concern that Canadians have and want to make sure that their personal information is carefully protected and never shared publicly," Arora said.

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