Study reveals Vancouver-area laundry microplastics filter in the ocean


Microplastics from Metro Vancouver's washed garments are found in water treatment plants and filter in the ocean, according to a study published in the scientific journal Marine Pollution Bulletin [19659002]. and the Metro Vancouver Regional District found that even though 99% of the particles were filtered, a significant amount still reached the ocean.

Study, considered the first of its kind in Canada, found Vancouver Ice-cream plants eliminate about 1.8 trillion plastic particles in wastewater each year, but 30 billion particles are still rejected in the ocean.

Peter Ross, senior scientist and vice-president of research at Ocean Wise, said: microplastics are in the form of fibers from polyester and rayon clothing.

"These two figures are high and really tell us the need to track these particles up to their sources." But that does not give us an excuse to ignore the evidence we have so far. The evidence is that a large number of microplastic particles are moving to wastewater treatment plants in Vancouver

"71% are fiber, 29% are polystyrene beads or pod toothpaste microspheres or small fragments of mysterious particles. "

Pollution consumed by fish

Ross says microplastics also come from light industry, small businesses and other sources. He reported a study in Europe that found that the tire wear of vehicles produced tiny plastic beads that were heading toward the ocean.

Other research has shown that microplastics in the ocean are confused with zooplankton and fish. The consequences for animal life are unclear, but microplastics ingested "highlight the possibility of serious impacts at the bottom of the food chain," concludes the study.

Consumers can play a role in thinking about the fabrics they buy and using less cold water, less soap and less washing clothes

"Be smart, consider the material you buy and look for alternatives. "

Ross says that Ocean Wise does not suggest that people stop buying synthetic clothes, but wants consumers to be more aware of what they buy and where they come from.

"We can all intensify and fundamentally devise ways to reduce the release or excretion of fibers into the wastewater stream."

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