With the warm weather surrounding us and people enjoying the outdoors, Sudbury Public Health and Districts reminds you to protect yourself and your family from tick bites and learn what to do if you were bitten
spreading the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease, and they were found in the Sudbury District. Although the risk of contracting Lyme disease remains low, people need to protect themselves. In Ontario, blacklegged ticks occur more often in rural areas along the northern shores of Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Superior and the St. Lawrence River. said Jon Groulx, an environmental support officer of the organization,
Blacklegged ticks can not fly. They wait on the grbad and bushes as animals or humans brush against the vegetation. Ticks vary in size and color and can be difficult to see until they are full of blood.
It's best to avoid a tick bite in the first place. To Prevent Tick Bites:
– Avoid Walking in Tall Grbad
– Make sure the gardens are free of debris and overgrown vegetation, grbad, bushes and stains. trees
– Wear a light-colored, long-sleeved shirt, long pants and closed-toed shoes.
– Use insect repellents approved by Health Canada and follow the application recommendations on packaging.
– Take a shower after outdoor activities to help wash the ticks that are not yet attached to the skin.
If you find an attached tick, use tweezers to catch the tick near the skin and gently pull upward. Wash the area with water and soap and put the tick in a container and bring it to your local health office so that it can be sent for a screening test for the disease. Lyme.
If the tick is attached for more than 24 hours, follow up with your health care provider to determine if you need treatment. Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics. If left untreated, Lyme disease can cause serious complications to the heart, joints, and nervous system.
One of the signs of Lyme disease is a rash that resembles that of a red bull. Other symptoms may include fever, headache, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, stiff neck and swollen glands. The symptoms vary from person to person.
For more information on Lyme Disease and Ticks, call PHSD at 705-522-9200 ext. 398 (toll free 1-866-522-9200) or visit phsd.ca.
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