According to Haywood Securities badysts, Syncrude's oil sands project could be taken out of service longer than expected, possibly until the end of August, boosting prices for Canadian crude oil. .
"contacts, we believe that the schedule to bring back to full capacity is now likely to September, which would add continued support (and potentially upside) to current oil prices," says Darrell Bishop, Haywood badyst
" A prolonged failure would help free up more pipeline space to allow other producers to fill and sustain some of the West Canadian stock records, which have accumulated since the second half of the year. 2017. Bishop
Suncor Energy (SU -0.3% ) stated earlier this week that Syncrude was commissioning its steam systems, an important step toward restarting, but does not have the advantage. provided no update on when to restart production.
The facility, which can produce as much as 360K bbl / day of crude oil, was hit by a power outage last month and should stay out of li until July. "," fullName ":" Alpha search "," type ":" regular "," host ":" https://seekingalpha.com "," emailHost ":" https://email.seekingalpha.com "," pro ": false," proPlus ": false," contributorCenter ": false," realHostName ":" https://seekingalpha.com "," isCms ": false," cancelPV ": false," isSharkPreview ": false," usersOnSite ":" 6,896,625 "," badetHosts ": [“https://static.seekingalpha.com”,”https://static1.seekingalpha.com”,”https://static2.seekingalpha.com”,”https://static3.seekingalpha.com”]," moneData ": {}," badetHost ":" https://static.seekingalpha.com "," env ": {" dev ": false," staging ": false," production ": true," test ": false}," gaAccountId ":" UA-1466493-1 "," comscoreAccountId ": 8500672," fbAppId ":" 624608951014846 "," twitterAccountName ": "SeekingAlpha", "rollbarToken": "5edf110be2fc4cecb32637fc421111e2", "perimeterXAppId": "PXxgCxM9By", "embedlyKey": "a6da93fdfc49472099ce63260954716b", "mp": false, "chat": {"host": "https: // rc. SeekingAlpha. com "," is_active ": true}}," pageConfig ": {" Refresher ": {" active ": fals e}," Data ": {" mc ": {" id ": 3368350," title ":" Syncrude will not return to full capacity until the end of August, says the badyst, "primaryTicker": "su", "twitContent": "Syncrude will not return to full capacity before the end of August, according to badyst https://seekingalpha.com/news/3368350-syncrude-will-return-full-capacity-end-august-badyst-says?source=tweet $ SU "," isSp500 ": false," tags ": [“energy”,”large-cap”]}," pageType ":" single_news "," primaryTicker ":" su "}," Ads ": {" slots ": [{“container”:”news-left-slot-1″,”data”:{“name”:”/6001/sek.news/single-post”,”targeting”:{“tile”:160},”size”:[[160,600]]" str ":" 160×600 "}," cls ":" mb25 "}, {" container ":" news-right-slot-1 "," data ": {" name ":" / 6001 / sek.news / single -post "," targeting ": {" tile ": 1}," size ": [[300,250][300,600]," fluid "]," str ":" 300×250,300×600, fluid "}," cls ":" mb25 ", "flex": true}, {"container": "news-right-slot-2", "data": {"name": "/ 6001 / sek.news / simple-post", "targeting": {" tile ": 100}," size ": [[300,100]]," str ":" 300×100 "}," cls ":" mb25 "}, {" container ":" new-right-slot-3 "," data ": {" name ": "/ 6001 / sek.news / single-post", "targeting": {"tile": 2}, "size": [[300,252]"fluid"] "str": "300×252, fluid"}, "cls ":" mb25 "," native ": true}, {" container ":" news-middle-slot "," data ": {" name ":" / 6001 / sek.news / simple-post "," targeting " ": {}," size ": [[640,40]]" str ":" 640×40 "}," cls ":" mb25 "}, {" container ":" news-bottom-slot "," data ": {" name ":" / 6001 / sek.news/single-post","targeting":{"tile":728},"size":[[728,90]],"str":"728×90"},"delay ": true, "delta": 500}, {"container": "instream_recommendation_ad", "data": {"name": "/ 6001 / sek.news / simple-post", "targeting": {"tile": 50 }, "size": [[3,3] "fluid"] "str": "3×3, fluid"}, "delay": true, "delta": 500}] "testScroll": true, "disabled": false, " kvs ": {" d ":" news "," t ": [“single-post”,”energy-news”]" mcid ": [true,3368350]" tickerbundle ": [“growth”,”value”,”dividend”,”developed-markets”,”large-cap”,”energy”]" s ":" SU "}}," Paths ": {" int ": { "adsAPI": {"src": "https://static3.seekingalpha.com/badets/api/ads-daadde0a6506fa0ac1626fe94435aaa03072acd0018f08c6fb1066f73d016b17.js", "id": "sa-ads-api"}}, "ext": [{“src”:”https://js-sec.indexww.com/ht/p/183642-162053219843577.js”,”id”:”ie”},{“src”:”https://www.googletagservices.com/tag/js/gpt.js”,”id”:”gpt”},{“src”:”https://sb.scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js”,”id”:”sb”},{“src”:”https://ssl.google-badytics.com/ga.js”,”id”:”ga”},{“src”:”https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js”,”id”:”facebook-jssdk”}]}, "lastRequested": "2018-07-06 10:15:20 -0400", "SlugsPrices": {"disabled": false}, "proOpenHouse": {"active": false, "end_date": "2017-03-20T06: 00: 00.000-04: 00"}, "proFlashSale": {"active": false, "end_date": "2 017-03-23T00: 00: 00.000-04: 00"}, "saSource": null, "name": null, "useSQuoteBackup": "false"}, "headerConfig": {"noNotificationsMenu": null, "nonFixed": null, "tabless": null, "activeTab": "information on the market "}," modules ": {}," requires ": []," trackq ": []," exceptions ": []};
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