Teenager infected with hookworms after being buried in the sand at Florida Beach


POMPANO BEACH, Florida (CBS News) – A Tennessee teenager and several other people visiting a Florida beach have been infected with hookworms . Michael Dumas, a 17-year-old from Memphis, was on a mission trip to South Florida with friends when they visited Pompano Beach, just north of Fort Lauderdale, reports CBS Miami.

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Dumas was photographed having fun and being buried in the sand by his group the June 20th. The surfers did not know that he would let the scarred teenager

Dumas reportedly started suffering from ear pain and had bumps under the skin of his legs and thighs. Doctors quickly diagnosed him with a severe case of hookworms. At least four other people in Dumas' group were also infected that day, reports CBS Miami.

Michael's mother, Kelli Dumas, documented the awful condition on Facebook as his son's feet swelled and asked dermatologists to try to freeze the worms with liquid nitrogen. "According to him, the larvae of hookworms penetrate into the skin of the man, and infections are usually transmitted by walking barefoot on contaminated soil.The child would have been left at home by the Infection and would need to bathe every day in the bleach.

The Dumas family claims to have contacted the Florida County authorities to warn others of Pompano Beach pests, but not [19659008] Dumas's post on Facebook has been shared more than 8,000 times and warns parents never to let their children be buried in the sand of the beach.

"The Pompano Beach Health Department said: beach because that you can catch parasites. I badured them that everyone does not know it! "Dumas wrote on social networks.

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