The cancellation of the Bombardier tramway order is not an option, says the president of the TTC


The chairman of the TTC's board of directors says that the transport agency does not have the "luxury" of canceling its contract with Bombardier, despite the repeated problems of the Order of $ 1 billion.

89 vehicles that Bombardier has already built for the TTC will have to be shipped to Quebec to repair a welding defect.

  Bombardier and the TTC claim that the lack of manufacture of many of the new streetcars poses no danger to the public
Bombardier and the TTC claim that the lack of manufacture of many streetcars poses no danger to the public. ( Andrew Lahodynskyj / Photograph of the Toronto Star )

Both Bombardier and the TTC claim that the manufacturing defect poses no danger to the public, and that two parties will cooperate to minimize the effects of the recall on the service.

"With the quality tests we did, we discovered this problem and, as a proactive measure, we provide maintenance. We are transparent about this and are bearing all the costs badociated with the repair program, "said Bombardier spokesman Eric Prud & # 39; Man.

The repair problem arises after Bombardier's years of delay in the delivery of the order for 204 cars, prompting further criticism from the company

. In light of the last setback, he understands "why people would never want to have anything to do with this business."

"But I do not think the cancellation of the existing order is an option. We need trams, but I do not think we have the luxury of such a delay.

Colle, representing Eglinton-Lawrence Ward 15, predicted that the weld repair problem could affect the board's decision. However, for the exercise of an option in Bombardier's contract for additional cars,

the initial agreement, signed by the company and TTC in 2009, provided that the agency could order up to 100 additional Bombardier vehicles. The TTC has planned to buy 60 additional trams, at a cost of about $ 360 million.

Citing Bombardier's production difficulties, some members of the TTC's board of directors called for the competition of 60 cars.

According to a 2015 TTC report, the agency could prevent Bombardier from participating in the call for bids. if an agency rating determined that the company had performed unsatisfactorily. However, Bombardier would have the right to appeal the badessment or create a plan to address the outstanding issues.

Prud® Man, Bombardier spokesman, said the company has long experience in building trains for the TTC and GO Transit, and that it should not be judged solely because of tramway problems. He added that the company had invested to improve its production process and that it would be well placed to honor a future TTC order.

"The product is powerful and appreciated," he said. "In terms of price and delivery schedule, it would be difficult for anyone (otherwise) to compete."

The award of the contract for additional cars to another company would involve significant risks, according to the TTC. A new builder should design and build from scratch vehicles that meet agency specifications and take years longer to supply cars.

According to a report presented to TTC's board of directors next Tuesday, the delay in the acquisition of new cars would "strain" the existing fleet of buses and trams. Having two streetcar models in use would also increase the cost of maintenance, training and spare parts.

Rather than returning to Bombardier or choosing a new manufacturer, Colle suggested that the TTC's board of directors could decide to no longer order streetcars after the initial purchase. He predicted that this would force the transit agency to replace the streetcar service with buses on some lines as the demand for public transit in the downtown area would increase.

"If we have ever limited our fleet to (approximately) 200, forget who builds and badembles them, we could not continue to serve all the roads we are currently doing," he said.

"I think the question is whether we need trams, or if they could just be replaced by buses, which would be more reliable," said Councilor John Campbell (Ward 4 Etobicoke Center). "I do not know if it is worth adding to a fleet of obvious flaws."

The use of buses rather than trams would probably be more expensive because buses have less carrying capacity and require more drivers. [19659002] Councilor Joe Mihevc (Ward 21 St. Paul's), another board member, argued that the transit agency should maintain its plans for the future. expand its trolley fleet after Bombardier's initial order. He stated that the contract for additional wagons should be the subject of a call for tenders and that Bombardier should be allowed to bid.

He noted that the company has been more successful in achieving its delivery goals this year, and that "if they are able to deliver for the last months of 2018 and 2019, this is good augur for them as a legitimate supplier. "

The company maintains that despite its production problems, it will still be able to deliver the 204 vehicles by the end of 2019.

Report to Council next week recommends postponing the decision on the streetcar option until next year

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