The Doug Ford juggling act: Calculate what Ontario can actually afford (and a big potential)



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Now that the fun part is over, Avery Shenfeld is expecting Doug Ford to begin juggling and calculating what the "cool" is. Ontario Can Really Afford

According to what we know and what the Chief Economist of CIBC World Markets said

the new Conservative Prime Minister of Ontario made many promises during the election campaign, and so he has a lot to juggle. And remember, he shared only a few numbers with those who elected him

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Can he deliver?

"Note that the Conservatives have agreed that they will start with a deficit, but have promised" Mr. Shenfeld said: [traduction] "It remains to be seen whether the tax cuts, or the promise Deficit, will have priority in case of conflict, "he added, a report that looks at the priorities of the new government as it begins its first full week in power

" They're S & # They were already waiting to carry forward items such as income tax cuts until 2020/21. Expect the Prime Minister and his new team to get to work quickly to determine what Ontario can really offer by reducing the tax burden, reducing government costs while keeping its lenders happy.

Here are Mr. Shenfeld's thoughts, based on some figures from the Conservative Party campaign that included tax cuts and lower prices at the gas pump, plus the end of the Ceiling and Exchange Money:

1: These Promises

2: Recall that Ontario accounts for nearly 40% of the country's economy, so the program conservative "would add a good dose of tax incentives that could push the Bank of Canada to raise rates, but

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3: Add it all up, and the new provincial government will waive $ 1.2 billion in taxes at the pump, $ 1.3 billion in business taxes, and about $ 3 billion in what they take from me and from you.

4: The Proposed Reduction of Electricity Bills Could Bypbad the Deficit of the Register if this is done in the same way 5 1965: [TRADUCTION] "The revenue from a cap and trade system" carbon trading would also disappear, but would be offset by the cancellation of the programs they finance. "

" As far as deficits go, Ford is given a lot of leeway by saying that its first item on the agenda will be to go over the line of demarcation, "said Mr. Shenfeld. the books "line by line" "

" We have already seen this film before. A new party takes over, says the financial situation is "worse than we were led to believe" and then chooses to set the timetable for more expensive promises.

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M. Shenfeld's key point, he adds later, is that "you can not just add all this and say that the deficit will skyrocket, because the Ford team has been uneasy by saying that the first order will be to go through the books and see where we are, and we will use the results to determine how quickly taxes can be reduced (and the savings on expenditures) while achieving their objectives on the deficit. "

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A Scene I would like to see

Enbridge sells badets

Enbridge Inc. sells some of its products in Alberta and British Columbia The contract is for Enbridge's natural gas gathering and processing operations in both provinces, which includes 19 plants.

"Combined with the badet monetization announced in May, the sale of our Canadian company [gas gathering and processing] significantly advances our strategic priority of moving to a regulated pipeline and utility business model," Enbridge's chief executive officer, Al Monaco

  • sells Canadian natural gas badets to the Brookfield Group under a $ 4.3 billion deal


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