Written by Harrison Cook |
July 10, 2018 |
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Boston Children's Hospital physicians used an experimental mitochondrial graft to save the life of a baby who suffered a cardiac arrest shortly after his birth on May 18. The procedure may prove to be an answer to the question that many researchers have posed: how to revive hearts deprive of oxygen due to surgery or a heart attack, according to The New York Times.
to his heart after suffering a heart attack while probably still in his mother's womb. His heart was working despite the heart attack, but his cells were deprived of oxygen and were beating behind the rhythm. Even though part of the heart cells can survive after oxygen deprivation, the cells are never fully restored.
Sitaram Emani, MD, Pediatric at Boston Children's Hospital, and James McCully, Ph.D., scientist at Beth Israel, Boston The Diaconessa Medical Center that studies the human heart collaborated to save the life of Georgia.
McCully discovered that the injection of healthy mitochondria into the heart of a pig with damaged cells helped the hearts to regain their normal function. While Dr. Emani was struggling to treat similar heart injuries in his own newborn patients, like Georgia, he teamed up with Dr. McCully to see if the process would work in humans.
For surgery in Georgia, Dr. Emani took a tissue sample from his abdomen and gave the sample to Dr. McCully who extracted a test tube worth mitochondria. With the help of an echocardiogram, Dr. Emani determined the site of injection.
"The weakest point is where we want to go," said Dr. Emani The New York Times . "It's important to give as much help as possible." They injected a billion mitochondria into his heart and in two days his heart rate was normal.
Mitochondrial grafts were applied to twelve other babies, causing three victims. Two deaths were caused by serious and inoperable heart damage and one was related to an infection. None of the eight babies has been listed on transplant lists
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