The expert dispelled the myths associated with weaning alcohol before driving


Ксперт развеял мифы, sold by Intoxication or severe hangover is better not to drive.

Experts believe that many methods of combating hangover are unjustified.

Consider the most common myths about how to quickly get rid of a hangover.

Myth # 1. Cold shower. This method is a good tonic and feeds the brain with oxygen. But this method does not help with hangover. With cold water, it is impossible to remove leftover alcohol from the blood. In addition, it is dangerous for health, as vessels dilated after alcohol, a bad reaction to cold water.

Myth # 2. Ammonia. Some people think that injecting or drinking a few drops of diluted ammonia can help you avoid a hangover. This is a misconception. In two cases, ammonia does not contribute to any chemical reaction that can remove alcohol from the body. Also, use ammonia without a direct goal, it is dangerous.

Myth # 3. Coffee. Moderate amounts of coffee to boost alertness and activity. But the combination of caffeine and alcohol reduces its effects to a minimum. In addition, drinking coffee during a hangover is bad for health because it has an extra burden on the heart. Indeed, after drinking, the heart suffers from a lack of oxygen.

Myth # 4. The brine. This method can help slightly with hangover. Brine regenerates the lack of water and salts in the body. But the more he does nothing, and no physiological effect does not.

Myth # 5. The water. Many people believe that drinking large amounts of water during a hangover helps remove alcohol from the blood. But it is also misleading. Yes, water can help quench your thirst, but the effect in the case with the hangover is not to be expected.

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