
Striking workers celebrate Sifto's salt mine in Goderich, as it was announced that UNIFOR had reached an agreement with mine owners Compbad Minerals to end the labor dispute. July 16, 2018 (Photo by Bob Montgomery)
By Bob Montgomery On July 16, 2018 at 3:12 pm
Unifor Executive Assistant, Scott Doherty, said that they had to make some compromises in the negotiations with Compbad Minerals. contract they wanted for salt mine workers in Goderich.
But Doherty says overall that they are satisfied with the agreement that will allow workers to get back to work on Wednesday morning
"We were able to get rid of the overtime force, the week of working 72 hours, we were able to save the pension and benefits, there is a job that we do not really like, but the members said that everything was fine and that there were changes in hours of work. "Doherty believes that it is also a major victory in the battle for the adoption of an anti-scab legislation in Ontario
.is a great victory for the labor movement on how to defend against the anti-scab legislation that should be in place everywhere, but that is not the case, and we will continue to fight for these things to materialize, "says He
Doherty also says a lot of credit for "
" N We would not be here today if we did not have the support of the community. We had literally hundreds and thousands of people on the line, they supported us, they did everything possible to support this mine and those workers who went on strike, "he says.
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