When Melbourne's mother, Kylie Armstrong, went on Facebook in February 2016, she had an important message for her friends and family.
The 47-year-old woman had been diagnosed with bad cancer. his closest and most expensive of his experience.
<p clbad = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "It was a difficult time for me and my family to tell co-workers and others.I had the impression of repeating the story again and again, "Ms. Armstrong told Yahoo7 News on his decision to turn to media. "data-reactid =" 13 ">" It was a difficult time for me and my family to tell my co-workers and others. I felt like I was rehearsing history over and over again, "Ms. Armstrong told Yahoo7 News about her decision to turn to social media.
Yet two and a half years Later, her position exceeded her small circle of peers and resonated around the world, helping dozens of other women to detect their bad cancer before it was too late.
After Having consulted with her teenage sons, Ms. Armstrong was given the go-ahead to share an image of her bad with abnormal marking on her shortly after her diagnosis in order to warn others.

The mother of two children says that she is overwhelmed p his message is still resonating with thousands of women around the world. Source: Facebook / Kylie Armstrong
"I did not feel a ball and I tell them the story and I raised my arm and I thought that these dimples were a little different, "she said. Please, look at this picture, "began his article
" These 3 very, very subtle DIMPLES on the bottom of this bad are a sign of BREAST CANCER! "
She went on to describe the devastating effect the markings had on her family, saying that the brand had turned its life and its families" backwards. "
his disbelief, the post soon began to appear all over the world, with tens of thousands of actions on Facebook.
"It was a bit surreal … I would never have thought it could have spread as far as it went, "she says.

Hundreds of women contacted Ms. Armstrong to thank her for sharing her notorious symptoms of bad cancer. Source: Facebook / Kylie Armstrong
So n post has 235,000 shares so far and Ms. Armstrong claims that she was even shared by celebrities like Ashton Kutcher and Zooey Deschanel
. receiving messages from other women thanking her for the job as they were unaware of such marks could mean cancer. "It became clear that many people had no idea that bad cancer could be anything but a mbad," she said.
She not only helped to educate people, but she also helped at least 10 women diagnose their bad cancer in what she describes as a bitter moment.
"I was contacted by a number of women.

Ms. Armstrong's advice paid off: at least 10 women who had bad cancer were diagnosed after reading the message. Source: Facebook / Kylie Armstrong
"They said that they would never have thought to have it checked if they had not seen my message."
She revealed that she even kept in touch "
The position became so popular that he was receiving interview requests from the United States and the United Kingdom. United, mainly from the United States and the UK
"Everyone has seen my bustier now" The textile designer was joking
And still today, his job continues to gain in popularity online, with an ever-increasing Facebook activity
"It's back again, it seems to be getting a little crazy and it's going on"
Ms. Armstrong underwent successful surgery at the time of her cancer, and despite the fact that she had to "take medication for at least another eight years", she returned to her normal life.
She has since been able to use her fame to help r Much needed funds for cancer charities, including through fundraising for the McGrath Foundation.
Many bad cancers are identified without symptoms, says expert
<p clbad = "canvas-atom web-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" Associate Professor Annette Katelaris, at the Faculty of Medicine and Health of the University of Sydney, confirmed at Yahoo7 News the symptoms that Ms. Armstrong showed was Orange skin – a dimpling condition of the bad skin, resembling the skin of an orange, sometimes found in inflammatory bad cancer. "data-reactid =" 73 "> Associate Professor Annette Katelaris, at the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney confirmed to Yahoo7 News that the symptoms shown by Mrs. Armstrong were orange peel – dimple of the bad skin, resembling the skin of an orange, sometimes found in inflammation The professor of University surgical oncology, Andrew Spillane, warned that while most women detect bad cancer by a size, some women have no symptoms.
<p clbad = "canvas-canvas canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "" The most common symptom caused by the Breast cancer is a lump, however, many bads cancers are identified without any symptoms by women participating in the national screening program of Australia, BreastScreen, "he told Yahoo7 News . data-reactid = "75"> "The most common symptom caused by bad cancer is a size, but many bad cancers are identified without any symptoms by women participating in the Australian National Screening Program, BreastScreen", was he told . A smaller number of the patient's bad cancers are detected as a result of other symptoms such as nipple discharge, skin changes on the chest, changes in chest shape, dimples or attachments of the skin and sometimes a disease that looks like an infection called inflammatory bad cancer. "

Breast cancer specialist warned that if most women detect bad cancer by a size, some women have no symptoms Source: AAP
He says it's important that women are aware of any bad changes while having them checked regularly.
"Because bad tissue varies from person to person and because difficult to diagnose, it is important if a woman notices a change in her bad that the change must be examined with a thorough clinical examination, appropriate bad imaging and if there is a present lesion, then undertake a biopsy, "said Professor Spillane.If the woman is not not Some of the advice that she receives from a doctor, then a specialist should be consulted by a specialist in bad diseases. "
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