The lost dogs of the Americas – LIFE


Native dogs across North America have almost disappeared because of Europeans arriving in the Western Hemisphere 500 years ago, according to a study.

The researchers found that dogs probably moved to the New World thousands of years ago. Human settlers from Siberia through what is now the Bering Strait.

They then lived here unmolested until the arrival of European settlers around the 15th century, after which the settler races quickly displaced the native canine populations. and the Americas were genetically distinct, just like their dogs, "said Greger Larson, director of Palaeo-BARN in Oxford and senior author of the study. "And just as the natives of the Americas have been displaced by European settlers, so are their dogs."

The findings are based on the research of an international team of 50 scientists who examined the DNA remains of the researches were conducted by the University of Oxford, the ### 39, University of Cambridge, Queen Mary University of London and the University of Durham. Scientists have found that ancient dogs came first from Siberia, and that modern American breeds share few common genetic links. The oldest evidence for dogs in the Western Hemisphere dates back to about 10,000 years, or 6,500 years after the arrival of the first humans

DNA Study

These "pre-contact" dogs have little According to researchers, modern American breeds

It seems that native dog populations could have been wiped out for various causes, including illness, persecution and desire Europeans to breed their own breeds. Modern American dogs like the Labradors and Chihuahuas are descendants of Eurasian breeds introduced between the 15th and the 20th century, said archaeologist Angela Perri of the University of Durham England

strangely, the the most direct genetic link between old and modern American dogs. "It's pretty incredible to think that the only survivor of a line of lost dogs is a tumor that can spread between dogs as a cancerous canine tumor derived from a dog that has lived up to 8,000 years ago Mayor Ni Leathlobhair of the Department of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Cambridge

"Although the DNA of this cancer has mutated over the years, it remains essentially DNA from this founding dog native to many thousands of years. . "

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