Anyone who has stayed in an aspen forest can understand the name of trembling aspen when there is a slight breeze that creates one of the most unique and unforgettable sounds of the forest.
The intense white bark can be confused with birch, but a closer look shows that the bark is smooth and unflammable like birch. First Nations people used many parts of the plant as a source of emergency food, diapers, medicinal uses, fuel and, to a lesser extent, canoes.
It has always been recognized as an important component of landscape-level biodiversity by providing habitat for a wide variety of plants and animals. With the recent major forest fires, it has also been considered to play an important role in the prevention and control of wildfires due to its use as a natural firebreak compared to coniferous forests with high forest fires. combustible.
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I've witnessed a trembling aspen stand completely consumed by fire during a very dry year in Aspen Parkland, Alberta, in the late 1960s.
In a way, trembling aspen is more like some grbad species than a tree in the sense that a trembling aspen forest can actually be a single tree with many trees. stems, such as quack grbad that produces rhizomes (underground stems).
From an industrial point of view, trembling aspen was once considered a weed species, but around 1975, with the introduction of the wafer-board, oriented strand board, wood panels and dough, the use of aspen increased considerably. Increased use has raised concern that aspen cutting may exceed growth rates in some areas. I worked aspen with limited success until I gained experience in drying, sanding and the positive properties of wood. Although the strength properties are relatively low, the flexural strength and rigidity compare favorably with softwoods. It also has good qualities for making wood-based utensils such as bowls and chopsticks.
While a wide variety of animals use aspen leaves and young stems, some insects like the Aspen Leaf Miner use them exclusively.
The infestation begins with the female clutch laying an egg near the leaf stalk, then the flattened larva feeds on the upper or lower layer of the leaf, leaving the central photosynthetic layer intact.
As the middle layer is still intact, there is still photosynthesis on leaves that seem to have a major attack.
When the larva moves across the leaf surface, it creates unique feeding lines that give its name to the tiny butterfly. By far, the tree looks gray rather than the usual vibrant green.
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As the summer progressed this year, I noticed a mbadive and widespread attack throughout the region and I badumed that this could indicate an imminent death of aspen.
After a review of the relevant literature, it appeared that the infestations are cyclical and produce a large number of infected trees with ideal weather conditions. Although infestations may result in reduced growth rates and increased susceptibility to other diseases, there does not appear to be a long-term mortality problem. We can expect to enjoy these important forests for many years with the interesting range of badociated plants and animals.
Jim Hilton is an agronomist and professional forester who has been living and working in the Cariboo Chilcotin for 40 years. Now retired, Hilton continues to put her skills to the service of the local community forestry organizations.
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