PICTOU, NS – The proposed route of a pipeline that will bring effluents from the North Pulp Mill to the Northumberland Strait will be modified due to the risk of ice damage.
Kathy Cloutier, Director of Communications at Paper Excellence scouring the ice near the proposed Pipeline Outlet location off Pictou, NS
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She said that would mean that the pipeline might have to go into deeper waters to avoid the ice that scrapes the bottom of the ocean. [19659005] "You are doing this study to discover unknowns – no one would go into a project without total clarity on your proposed route," she said during a phone interview.
"You are trying to avoid the impacts and to have as clear a path as possible."
In addition, underwater excavations carried out by Marine Geotech and Habitat Assessment in April, May and May June revealed that the proposed route was too close to a shipwreck discovered in July 2015 and a collapsed pier.
Cloutier said the new information
Under provincial legislation, the plant has until January 30, 2020 to replace its current wastewater treatment plant at Boat Harbor.
Wastewater Lagoons Contain Nearly 50 Years The provincial Minister of the Environment, Iain Rankin, has termed one of the worst cases of environmental racism in the province.
This is a major concern for the local community mi kmaq, who launched a law in 2010, he attempted to eject the treatment plant from his lands
The proposal of A pipeline for the transport of treated effluent from a new facility in the ocean is also met with opposition
. Scotia, Prince Edward Island and New Brunswick have suspended meetings with the plant after expressing frustration over its insistence on a pipeline
The company said have carefully studied the processing options available for bleached kraft pulp mills.
Recommends a system that would meet all federal environmental standards for suspended solids and oxygen depletion
Effluents would be transported by polyethylene pipe through Pictou Harbor and released by six dispersal pipes in the Strait
. ] The company said the proposed system would reduce the need for bleaching chemicals by about 30 to 40%.
Northern Pulp originally had to submit an e However, Cloutier said the latest sonar work meant that the environmental bid would probably not be done until the autumn
"That will mean construction winter, "she said. 19659030] TOP STORIES, DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX