The search for the owner of & # 39; Ossington Bear & # 39; becomes viral after the couple takes him to town


A plush polar bear found riding on TTC became a social media sensation after a couple eager to reunite the toy with his owner took the bear to the city.

Rich Rhonda said that she and her husband spotted White Polar Bear alone, in a subway heading east to Ossington Station on Monday night around 5 pm

"We were going out for dinner and that was it. was strangely a low-traffic train and maybe two or three other people and the only one sitting with his snacks, "Riche told" At first I thought someone was sad because he had lost his boyfriend. "I think we all lost a stuffed animal or we know someone who did it."

Closed that day, Rich decided that she might have a better chance of bringing him home.

"I was afraid that if I did not take it, it could just be thrown in the trash or someone else." else might take it, and Rich said:

The couple took "Ossington Bear", as they dubbed it, along their way out. Ossington Avenue and Queen Street West.

"We started taking pictures because we thought that when we would have reunited with her family, we would have a great story to share," Rich said. "We went looking for Vietnamese food and we hung out on the hipster band.We saw a Ferrari and took a picture.It was good for us because we were stuck inside and it was so hot that we also had an adventure. "

When they returned home, Riche went to the Bunz community to share the story of Ossington Bear and ask for help. [19659002] "I saw on Bunz, because I've been a long time member of this community, a lot of miracles with wallets and keys. So, I thought Bunz is the place to go, "said Riche.

In terms of spreading the word, it turns out that she was there.

" There exploded! "Rich says." I think people have reacted to the story, but also to the fact that they could step in and help. They just joined us – people like to solve a mystery.

Hundreds of people have already liked the post The TTC also tweeted

Making a call on #ttc Customers and others to help get #OssingtonBear at home! Https: //

– TTCStuart (@TTCStuart) July 3, 2018

Rich said that with all the negative news from the streets of Toronto over the weekend, she is glad that history has given some positive thing to the people of the city. "I was not surprised because I always thought the people of Toronto are good and hip and a real community," she said. "Sometimes we look like a city of strangers, but at the end of the day we're not, so I'm not surprised."

"What's surprising, Is when you wake up in the morning and everyone calls you, sends you an e-mail and tells you 'I saw it in my parent group'.

Rich said that she keeps Ossington Bear comfortable in the meantime.

"He hangs out at home in the air conditioning. He is not alone. He's trying to beat the heat right now, "she said." I hope someone calls for it and that his next trip will allow us to meet them for reunification. " But otherwise, we'll probably go down to High Park, have some cool breezes in the park, maybe hang out in The Junction. "

While she enjoys hanging out with the bear, she hopes that all the attention will eventually lead her to her rightful owner.

" If you can make some A happy finding his friend, it's an incredible feeling. "

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