"The trade war is just an act of warming for the financial crisis": Mobius


Equity futures fell after Tuesday's close, reports that the White House has prepared an additional $ 200 billion of trade sanctions on Chinese products. China has promised retaliation but has also warned the state media not to further ignite the political situation.

"Prémarket: Global stocks, metals hit by new US trade war salvo" – Report on Business

not to ignite trade with the United States "- Reuters

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"@ SBarlow_ROB Merrill Lynch:" If bad luck crosses a bad policy, a recession becomes a real risk "- (research extract)

" China accuses the United States of America. intimidation, warns that it will retaliate at Trump's proposed tariffs "- Report on Business

" Brent oil falls more than $ 2 after Trump's tariff threat, Libyan ports reopen "Reuters

" copper is the tanking.The metal considered as an indicator of the world economy falls to the lowest level of the year "- Bloomberg


The tone of the report from Scotia economist Derek Holt, "No Crisis in Canadian Housing Indicates that he might be a little bored by the forecasters, although housing expert Ben Rabidoux has expressed a strong counterpoint to the Scotia report on social media. Mr. Holt first,

"If there is a housing crisis that is blocking the Canadian economy, then you could have deceived me. Housing starts in Canada have climbed to fourth place since the global financial crisis in 2007 … While large multi-unit volatile projects have pulled the gain and can easily tip in the next report, the fact that Permit volumes are so strong suggests

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"@ SBarlow_ROB BNS:" There is no crisis in housing in Canada "- (research excerpt) Twitter

Then Mr. Rabidoux," Terrible take. "Fam's multiple starts represent the pre-sales of 2017, which were monster records in Toronto No matter what happened on the resale market, condominium starts were going to be huge this year. "- Twitter


According to the markets derivatives, rising interest rates of the Bank is almost badured Wednesday at 10:15, [19659002] "The most likely is that policymakers will raise the interest rate to a day, currently at 1.25%, for a fourth time in 12 months in order to keep inflation at risk, while recognizing that future increases will be gradual. The markets place the highest odds on this scenario, which includes additional increases every six months until the benchmark rate is around 2 percent or 2.25 percent. 39; here the end of 2019 … a second possibility is accompanied by a very cautious language that casts doubt on the timing and pace of future moves, a scenario known in the jargon of the central bank as an accommodative hike . Essentially, that would mean a rate hike now at the expense of one down the line. "

" Poloz likely to rise rates, perhaps dovishly: Decision Day Guide "- Bloomberg

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I often have Treated with legendary emerging market fund manager Mark Mobius during my decade as a mutual fund badyst – he was extremely kind, to the point of giving me his cell phone numbers that were changing according to which part of the world he was Mr. Mobius is much more inclined to optimism than pessimism, to a fault sometimes, so this prediction was an undesirable surprise,

"For Mark Mobius, there could be worse to come even after the United States fired new shots at its trade war with China: a further 10% decline in emerging market equities and a global financial crisis. "There is no doubt that we will see a financial crisis sooner or later because we have to remember that we are coming out of a period of cheap money," said the seasoned investor in the countries developing during an interview in Singapore. "There is going to be a real compression for a lot of these companies that depend on cheap money to continue."

"Mobius says the trade war is just a warm-up for the financial crisis" – Bloomberg

"The Turbulence of China's Markets More Reflects Domestic Challenges Than Trade Tensions" – The Economist


Tweet of the day: "@TheStalwart the zinc painting is so ugly" – Twitter

Diversion: "The 27 books that Marc Andreessen recommends you to read this summer "- Quartz

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