The Wild Wind Closes the Amusement Rides, Indian Village in Calgary Stampede


People helped rebuild tepees at Indian Village after a windstorm forced them to be dismantled on Saturday, July 14, 2018. Dean Pilling / Postmedia

Calgary was hit by gusts Friday evening of a few mid-way races at the Calgary Stampede with a temporary withdrawal from the Indian village.

A wind warning was issued Friday in Calgary and surrounding areas with gusts of up to 80 km / h.

According to Stampede spokeswoman Jennifer Booth, the zip line was shut down due to the wind, as well as other high-level exits on the Midway, which were periodically closed and reopened between major gusts .

Ferris wheel, Mach3 and the Mega Drop, said Booth.

"Of course, in Alberta, we are very familiar with storms of this caliber that occur," said Booth.

"There is a protocol on activities related to wind, lightning and weather, so as soon as the gusts of wind reach a certain speed, some attractions are suspended until they reach a certain speed. they are safe again. "

The Indian village was also hit by sudden gusts on Friday.Booth said that a tepee in the village received a tear from the wild wind, which prompted the decision to shoot down other tipis.

"As a precaution and to ensure that none of the other tipis were damaged, they made the decision to cut down some of the teepees that could be affected by the wind, "said Booth.

" It was a quick effort to destroy those who might be in danger. "

The Indian village has reopened around 2 pm Saturday after rebuilding the affected tipis

Performances at Coca-Cola Stage and Grandstand Show went off without a hitch despite the windy weather.

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