This Sunbathing Calculator tells you how long you can safely spend in the sun


Who among us did not spend too much time outside and found himself with a sunburn so intense that it hurts to stay in bed at night? No matter how diligently you apply sunscreen activities that leave you in the sun – time spent at the beach hanging in a theme park with friends – can often leave you indifferent like a lobster – and subject to adverse health effects . But thanks to a new tanning calculator, you can theoretically know exactly how long you can spend in the sun before you burn, without your companion having to remind you that you "get a little red".

The The Tool created by Dr. Małgorzata Koperska, Omni Calculator Doctor, tells you how long you can stay on the outside depending on a handful of factors key. Here's how it works: Enter a few details in the calculator – the intensity of sunlight (low to extreme, based on this sunburn map and the global solar UV index of the # 39; World Health Organization the altitude where you are, your complexion (based on the scale Fitzpatrick Skin Type ), the sunscreen FPS that you use, and whether you will be on the water or the snow – and the tool will tell you the maximum number of hours (or minutes) that you can safely pbad to the l '.

You can also use the calculator backwards: Enter the time you plan to spend in the sun, and it will tell you the SPF that you should use to better protect your skin (just leave this field empty to begin with.]

It's easy to use and can really help protect your skin in the long run. " Sunburns are painful, peeling skin of bady, but more importantly, every time you get a sunburn, the risk of developing skin cancer in the future increases, "Dr. Koperska said in a communique shared with Teen Vogue . "Even if you're a Vitamin D addict, enjoy the sun safely!"

In addition to consciously limiting your time to the sun, Dr. Koperska shared some other tips to prevent your skin from becoming a whole tomato this summer: Avoid the sun between 10am and 4pm, keep an eye on the UV index (the higher the number, the more you risk getting burned), and always wear sunscreen. Make sure to apply your dose twice when you know you are going to be in the sun: 15-30 minutes before going out, and once 15-30 minutes after the start of the show.

It should also be kept in mind that the SPF does its job only if you apply your sunscreen properly or if you do not use enough of it. "Most people do not use enough sunscreen, so the real SPF protection that they receive is about one-third of the SPF labeled," Dr. Steven Q. Wang, a dermatologist and bearer. word of the Skin Cancer Foundation ] said Teen Vogue . "So if you have a product that says [SPF] 60, you really get an SPF of maybe 20 or 30." To help you make sure & # 39; To get the full value of the SPF, follow the instructions on packaging and resources like the American Academy of Dermatology on how to apply, making sure you get those often forgotten spots and adding extra protection against the sun. Regarding the amount of sunscreen to apply, dermatologist and founder of DDF Skincare Dr. Howard Sobel has already told Teen Vogue that you should aim for an amount the size of A quarter for your face, and a quantity of ping-pong ball for yo Reapply every two hours, or after you have gone into the water or you have sweated.

You can test the calculator to tan yourself here . We never see you, sunburn.

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