The total number of deaths increased 1.6% in 2016 and was the highest since 2003.
The Office for National Statistics said yesterday that vascular and unspecified dementia cost the lives 32,282 women and 17,375 men last year. Alzheimer's disease, which is the most common form of dementia, killed 12,250 women and 5,734 men.
Dementia went from 62,948 to 67,641 in 2016. Dementia, for which we are not cured, is caused by changes in nerve cells.
Symptoms include memory loss, confusion of thinking, and speech and problem solving difficulties.
Better diagnosis and aging of the population are responsible for this rise, but experts say that Dr. Matthew Norton, of Alzheimer Research UK, said: "These figures once again emphasize the fact. overwhelming impact of dementia in the UK and for hundreds of thousands of families. "With one in four hospital beds occupied by a person with dementia and deaths from this disease, we need to take urgent action . "
" Deaths from many serious diseases plummet and investment in dementia research "Yesterday Microsoft founder Bill Gates, 62, invested £ 23 million in Diagnostics Accelerator , a fund to find ways to speed up diagnosis
ONS statistician Vasita Patel said, "Mortality rates for cancers, respiratory diseases and mala circulatory dies decreased. However, rates have increased for mental and behavioral disorders, such as dementia, and diseases of the nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. "
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