Trump suspends billions of payments Obamacare


The Trump administration on Saturday suspended a program that pays billions of dollars to insurers under the Affordable Care Act, a move that should disrupt markets and drive up premiums this fall. White House officials said the decision was made to suspend payments after a federal court in New Mexico ruled in February that the formula used to calculate risk adjustment payments was flawed. Payments are intended to protect health insurers against major losses and discourage them from favoring healthy consumers over those with pre-existing illnesses. Critics have condemned the freeze as Trump's latest attempt to sabotage the Affordable Care Act, while health insurers warn that it will destabilize markets at a particularly difficult time. " This action will significantly increase premiums for 2019 for millions of individuals and small business owners and could result in far fewer health plan choices," said Scott Serota, President and CEO of Blue Cross Blue Shield. "This will undermine Americans' access to affordable coverage, especially those who are most in need of medical care."

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