UK antibiotic consumption twice that of the Netherlands, WHO report finds | News in brief


Antibiotic consumption varies widely in different parts of the world, and has been reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The 'WHO Report on Surveillance of Antibiotic Drugs', Analyzed by the United States. It also describes early antimicrobial consumption.

The daily dose of daily doses (DDD) per 1,000 inhabitants per day is 4.4 to 64.4.

In the UK, antibiotic consumption was 20.5 DDD, more than twice that of the Netherlands, which used 9.8 DDD. However, use in the UK was half that found in Turkey, which used 38.8 DDD.

The highest rate of antibiotic consumption was in Mongolia which had a DDD of 64.4. The lowest consumption was in Burundi where the DDD was 4.4.

In most countries, amoxicillin and amoxicillin / clavulanic acid have been the most frequently consumed antibiotics, the report said.

The antibiotic has been used appropriately, such as enforcing prescription-only policies and implementing antimicrobial stewardship programs.

It is recommended that countries with antimicrobial surveillance should explore ways to establish such a system; where countries with national coverage should apply where applicable; and that countries with mature surveillance systems should explore the possibility of monitoring their programs and share their experiences with other countries.

Quote: The Pharmaceutical Journal, online, online |

DOI: 10.1211 / PJ.2018.20205732

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