Urban Rich and Educated Indians at Higher Risk of Heart Disease: Study


Heart disease is the deadliest among Indians, but the risk of heart disease varies among states, the richest and most urbanized states having more risk according to new study [19659002]. The risk of cardiovascular disease ranges from 13.2% in Jharkhand to 19.5% in Kerala, according to a study by the Foundation for Public Health of India (PHFI), a plea, and the school Public Health Harvard TH Chan, published in PLOS Medicine medical journal, in June 2018.

The risk was higher in the northern, northeastern, and southern states. It was also higher for those living in urban areas and belonging to richer and more educated families.

Heart disease killed 1.7 million Indians in 2016, IndiaSpend reported in September 2017. In 2016, the share of noncommunicable diseases increased to 61.8% – causing six out of 10 deaths in India – an increase of 23.9 percentage points from 1990, we reported in November 2017.

The PHFI study enrolled 797,540 people aged 30 to 74 years. two large household surveys in India, the District 4 household survey (DLHS-4) and the second update of the annual health survey conducted between 2012 and 2014. [19659004] The researchers calculated cardiovascular risk based on factors such as body mbad index (BMI), systolic blood pressure and blood sugar level and how it varies between states according to the US. rural-urban location and socio-demographic characteristics.

Amon The risks of cardiovascular disease tend to be highest in South India (including Goa), the three northernmost states of the data set (Himachal Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand) , the northeastern states (except Assam) and West Bengal (especially in males)

While north and south India had overweight individuals, the south had more people with high blood glucose while the north had more people with high blood pressure. Smoking was higher among people in the northeastern states and West Bengal, particularly among men.

Men had twice the cardiovascular risk of women

In the age group of 30 to 74 years, the risk cardiovascular disease at 10 years of age Women were 12.7% compared to 21.4% in men

While men and women had a similar average body mbad index (22.6 kg / m2 and 22 , 3 kg / m2 respectively), women were more likely to be both In addition, 10% of men and women had higher blood sugar levels, but men had higher mean arterial blood pressure (129.1 Hg / mm) than men (23.5 kg / m3). in men vs 126.7 Hg / mm in women) and high prevalence of smoking (27.1% in men vs. 2.1% in women).

The richer the rural area, the higher the risk

In rural areas, life in the richest districts (20%) was badociated with a relative increase in cardi at age 10 . the risk of sales of 13.1% compared to the poorest 20%.

In urban areas, the corresponding increase was 4.3%

Risk of cardiovascular disease at age 10 by household wealth quintile, age, rural setting and bad

  Household_wealth_550 [19659017] Source: PLOS Medicine </p>
<p style= In risk factors, while average BMI was considerably higher in affluent individuals, hyperglycemia and elevated systolic blood pressure were common in poor people. Middle and advanced age, especially among men in poor quintiles and in rural areas. 19659004] Targeted Efforts Needed to Prevent Heart Disease

Cardiovascular risk information is "essential for effective targeting of resources and prevention, screening and treatment interventions". ] "Investments in Targeted CVD Care Programs, as well as Health Policy Measures Urge Urgency, Particularly in States at High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease, if India Wants minimize the adverse consequences of cardiovascular disease on health, well-being, protection against financial risks and economic growth.According to the study, the expected growth of the Indian population, determination and efficiency measures taken by the country to prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases in the coming years will have a major impact on the achievement of the global SDGs [sustainable development goals] The Sustainable Development Goals are global targets proposed by the United Nations and accepted by all countries, including ensuring a healthy life and promoting well-being at all ages, and reducing the number of deaths by one-third matured due to noncommunicable diseases by 2030.

[study] also stresses the urgent need for interventions at the population level such as the elimination of artificial trans fats, reducing sodium and reducing smoking, "Lindsay Jaacks, professor at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health and visiting professor at the PHFI, said in a statement

Yadavar is a senior correspondent with IndiaSpend.

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