US Border Patrol Dogs Face Growing Occupational Risk: A Nasty Parasite


Humans are not only those who have occupational hazards: Working dogs can face them, too.

Case in point: A new study finds that a surprising number of dogs working for the US Department of Homeland Security are infected with the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes Chagas disease, an illness that can occur in both humans and dogs.

The study badyzed blood samples from 1,660 federal working dogs, and the search for rescue and detecting drugs and explosives, as well as helping guard federal buildings. The researchers found that 121 dogs, or about 7 percent of those tested, had antibodies against T. cruzi, which indicate an ongoing infection. [7 Surprising Health Benefits of Dog Ownership]

Concerningly, many of the infected dogs also showed signs of heart problems – a complication of Chagas disease that can be fatal.

Bugs or kissing bugs, have been found in the United States – particularly the South – some of the infected dogs in the bugs' known range, including Northern states.

"We were surprised to find that we have many dogs, we have been exposed to the parasite T. cruziAlyssa Meyers, "lead study author, has a doctoral candidate at Texas A & M University," said in a statement.

Meyers presented the findings today (Oct. 31) at the American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene Annual Meeting in New Orleans. The study has not yet been published in a peer-reviewed journal.

Disease moves northward

Historically, Chagas disease was found only in Mexico, Central America and South America. Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee But Arizona, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. What's more, kissing bugs have been found in 27 states, and a growing number T. cruzi parasite, the researchers said.

In both people and dogs, the infection can initially cause fever and fatigue. But afterward, the parasites may remain "hidden" in the body for years, or even a lifetime, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In some cases, this chronic infection can lead to heart problems, including an enlarged heart or abnormal heart rhythms.

Federal working dogs at Texas and Virginia, two states where infected people are known to be found.

Dogs may be exposed to the bugs are most active, the researchers said. Dogs may also be exposed in kennels, where they can attract bugs and allow them to thrive.

Previously, researchers had found the evidence that dogs working along with the U.S. border with Mexico were at risk for infection T. cruzi. But the new study also found that most of the time was spent in the Canadian border, and it was found that this was unexpected, Meyers said.

Finding Chagas disease in dogs may be an early warning sign that the disease may soon appear in people there too. But currently, it's difficult to say what the new findings mean for human risk, in part because the researchers are uncertain about exactly how to get the infection.

In addition, dogs may be at higher risk of infection than people, in part because they "have a tendency to eat bugs that could be infected with the parasite, and dogs spend more time outdoors," Meyers said.

Dogs' heart health

The researchers also outfitted some of the dogs with a wearable electrocardiogram, or ECG, which monitored the dogs' hearts. Chagas disease, the researchers said.

However, there are no treatments for Chagas disease specifically for dogs, and even existing treatments for humans may not be effective later during the infection.

Currently, the dogs are being monitored for progression of their heart problems.

The researchers are also planning to find a way to reduce the risk of exposure to bugs while training or on the job.

Originally published on Live Science.

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