Virginia Beach Mosquito Control sees an increase in West Nile virus activity


VIRGINIA BEACH, Virginia – The activity of West Nile Virus has increased in parts of the city, according to Virginia Beach Mosquito Control.

Tests have been carried out throughout the city since June, the authorities having confirmed

The positive results were recorded in these three regions:

Oxford Drive in the Kings Grant District

North Witchduck Road in the Kempsville area

Constitution Drive in the Pembroke area

Samples were collected on June 25 – epi-week 26, and these areas have historically had WNV positives, said Jennifer Barritt, biologist with VB Mosquito Control, in a press release

. The main vector of WNV in this region is Cx. pipiens / restuans, which breeds in water with higher organic content. This means that VB mosquito control will focus on stagnant water, such as ditches and other stagnant water areas. Nighttime spraying efforts are also increased.

WNV is a rare viral disease that is spread by bite to birds, humans and other mammals. Most WNV infected humans have no symptoms, but some have mild flu-like symptoms and a small number develop more severe neurological conditions. People over the age of 50 or with immune system disorders are at higher risk of getting serious illness caused by WNV.

The Virginia Beach Department of Public Health advises residents and visitors to wear an insect repellent outdoors. take necessary precautions to avoid mosquitoes:

– Wear long, loose, clear clothing

– Use EPA approved insect repellent products. Not more than 50 percent of DEET for adults and less than 30 percent of DEET for children. Follow all instructions on the label

– Return or remove the containers in your yard where the rainwater accumulates

– Clean up the bird baths and wading pools every week

– Check the window screens and door screens

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